Comp199 Honors Paper 2: A Proposal


Write a professional business proposal paper.


First draft due Wed Nov 30th (returned Mon Dec 5)

Final Draft Dec 14th in class


Write a 2-3 page proposal paper targeting you non-technical manager in the following situation:

Assume that you work at a company that needs to use an API, and your job is presenting the API to business managers of your company who has no computer science experience. You need to write a proposal that explains an API and the benefits of using the API in your projects so that the manager will pay for the API and use it in your team's IoT product(s).

In this assignment, you will select one of the APIs from the website:

GitHub - whizkydee/Awesome-APIs: 📚 A curated list of APIs from round the web.

and write a proposal about the selected API.

The proposal should satisfy the below requirements:

The real target length for this is 2 pages, but if you spill onto a third, that is fine. If you are doing more than that, your proposal will not do its intended purpose.