Comp 151 Project 7

Practice with recursion


In this 7th project you will write a program to help you practice recursion

 Sat Dec 17th,  2022 at 11:59pm


Write a program that will display a menu (a command line is easiest and something we've covered in class - if you want to do something more with arcade because you have time time feel free)

The main purpose of this project is to practice recursion. To that end about half of the credit will be assigned to the three recursive functions - they have to be recursive.

The menu should give the user the following options

Other Requirements


(so mine might be JSantoreProject6)
And put the following at the begining of the python file with the main function  as a comment:

Project Submission

Submit the project by putting it on github as a private project and making me a collaborator as before.