Comp 151 Project 6

Practice with objects through using Arcade


In this 6th project you will write a small 'proto-game' program

 Sun Dec 4th,  2022 at 11:59pm


Note: this will be the largest project of the semester (and worth the most credit). There will be one more shorter project at the end of the semester.

Once upon a time there was a series of arcade games designed to take your quarters (back when quarters were valuable) that started with galaga (you tube to watch if you've never seen something like this before.) You are going to build a simple proto-game in this rough style.

Write a program using arcade (even if you have prior experience with pygame, you can't use it) that will do the following:

Note 2: I often get asked by excited or more experienced students when I assign assignments like this about doing more than required. My answer is, as long as you are using arcade and no other external libraries, (except maybe gtts if you really want) And you do all of the requirements below, then you can add whatever else you want.

Note3: You may use any theme you want so long as it is appropriate for class. The traditional theme of space battles is fine, but I've also see someone use a theme of hungry teen-agers being thrown hamburgers, and another with a singer using a t-shirt cannon to give t-shirts to over-enthusiastic fans. You can use the arcade assets as we looked at in class. Here are also a zip file of assets with permissive enough licenses for us to use them in class.

This project has a lot going on, and is large enough to see that everyone's code should be quite different. I mostly have requirements for how it should work, rather than exactly what code should be written.

You will need at least two code/python files for this project

Functional Requirements:

Extra credit: This project will be worth about 300 points (so quite a bit more than the early projects.) There is a lot to it, but if you finish the requirements above, you can do extra credit. Extra credit may require you to go beyond the stuff we've done in class. You might have to learn a bit on your own on the web.

you do have to finish the main project before doing the extra credit. If you do the extra credit, be sure to mention it in the comment at the top of the program

Other Requirements


(so mine might be JSantoreProject6)
And put the following at the begining of the python file with the main function  as a comment:

Project Submission

Submit the project by putting it on github as a private project and making me a collaborator as before.