2D Game Design Project 2 part 2

Now add AI/Or Multiplayer

Due Dec 14th at 11:59 pm (The Day after the grad final and the day of the Undergrad final)

Summary: For this project you will extend your game from before

This Project:

Depending on your game type from before Add either an AI element or Multiplayer as outlined below.

The Grading sheet/rubric (I've been asked by some students who need to min/max to post this so you can focus your efforts)

Flood Fill Adjacent Hints

Some of you were looking for some hints on implementing floodfill for a tilemap. I told you all that I didn't want to work through an exact answer, but I do want to give you some hints. So here are two approaches in other languages, one in C++ and one in C# (Unity)

function beginning on line 217

Possible games:

Extra requirements:

Submission: Submit as usual by sending me a collaboration invite via github. If you use your original project, then I will just git pull on the (morning after) the due date.
