2D Game Design Project 2 part 1

Let's work with tiled maps and animated sprites

Due Nov 12th at 11:59 pm (right after the holiday weekend)

Summary: For this project you will choose a project from the list below. All projects have a significant tiled map and animated sprite

The Future: A reminder for those who forgot or missed class with the illnesses going around: This project will be due in late October, then we will turn our attention to other things for a few weeks, then we will come back to it at the end of the semester and wire up multiplayer and/or AI techniques to your existing game. (So plan some appropriate good coding techniques.)

This Project:

For this project you should partner up with a classmate. I'll put a signup sheet in the classroom. If you want to cross group (someone from the day class partnering with someone from the night class) that is fine too. By the end of the week send me the game you are implementing and which of the bullet points each of you will be responsible for. (that way there isn't a case of one person carrying the group). I'll be checking commits/pull requests to make sure that each person is pulling their own weight.

For this project choose one of the possible game types below and implement a game following the requirements of that game. The directions below are the Minimum requirements. Feel free to add any embellishments that you want once you have the minimal functionality in place.

All games must feature:

Possible games:

Extra requirements:

Submission: Submit as usual by sending me a collaboration invite via github.