Project 1.0 (part 1 of ??)

Due: Monday Sept 23rd for the M/W class and Tuesday Sept 24th for the Tues night class.


This will be a relatively simple first project to get you all working, make sure your toolchain is working and refresh you on python, which some of you have not used for several semesters. If you start it on the last two days though, I almost guarantee unpleasant mishaps, so start right away.


In this project you will begin to work on an old fashioned side-scroller style arcade game. We will continue this in the follow on project, but for this first one I want to have a short turn around time to make sure that everyone has everything working.


For this part, build an arcade library based 2d game with

use whatever theme you want for this so long as it is appropriate for me to show your work in class.

Use any assets that you can legally use.

Additional Requirements/Constraints:


Submit by making me a collaborator on github I'm going to clone the project (and get the end of the main branch) for grading.