Rust, Grad project 2 (project 4 for class)

Due: Tuesday Nov 20th

Summary: like the undergrads, you will re-implement the core of the linux command line program bc in rust, just like go project 2 you will just re-implement a larger chunk than the undergrads

Those of you who are windows people can find a windows version of bc here if you want to try it for yourself (or you can just read the docs)


I've heard from a few of you that while we are learning two new languages it is also sometimes tough to learn the background information to make interesting projects since that requires other skills too. So I'm going to give you the change to write a rust program that can let you dig into run without other digging too deeply into libraries at the same time. bc is a command line calculator, type bc at the command line of most linux systems and you get a copyright notice then the program waits for you to type in a bit of math, then bc will evaluate that math and print an answer, then wait for the user to type more.

Your subset of bc needs to

make sure that any external crates that you use are on so they will run "on my machine"


    zip up your whole project folder with source files and your cargo.toml file and a short writeup describing how to use your program and submit via blackboard.