Grad Go Project 1


Tues September 25th at 11:59pm


This project will give you the chance to really dig into Go on your own. You will crawl a web page and put up the interesting results on the local desktop. A lot of the work needed is a small change from some examples in the book, but some of it does require you to go learn things on your own.


Stack OverFlow is, as you all know, one of the best places for getting tech help. They also have a very nice jobs posting list. You are going to write a go program query their jobs posting list and display all job postings that they have that are within 50 miles of Bridgewater. (Hint use their RSS feed and scrape that) and display that data on the desktop using a GUI selected from the list of GUI libraries available from the Awesome Go listing.

Interestingly enough there is an extended example of parsing web stuff in chapter 5 of your book.

For those who had software engineering last semester, it is "kinda" like the project from then, but the stack overflow RSS feed is *much* cleaner data, and there is no JSON - and this is in Go so you have to write everything new anyway.


Zip up your project/package directory in your go/src/ directory and submit that via blackboard.

include in your zipped submission a requirements.txt telling me which packages I need to go get (in the command line technical sense of that word) in order to make your project run.