Graduate Paper 1

Due October 31 24 in class in Printed Hardcopy

Admin: This paper will be a part of the "Homework and Quizzes" part of your grade.


At this point (don't begin this paper till you complete rust project 1) we have built two Go programs and a Rust Program. We have in fact built the same program in both Rust and Go. So write a 5-6 page (plus references) double spaced paper comparing rust and go. We will also discussed Webassembly in both Rust and Go. We have a fairly decent first impression about the two languages. So write paper which will compare/contrast the two.

Include in your comparison at least:

This is a formal paper, so use standard formal English (many colloquial expressions like "nowadays" and "I feel that..." are perfectly reasonable in conversation, but not in a formal paper which should mostly about objective merit.)

Given that this is a formal paper, if there is anything that everyone in the class doesn't have as shared understanding, you should either prove it from first principles or have a reference. Use either IEEE format or APA format for your citation style.  

For those of you whom English is not your first language, or you don't really feel comfortable with standard formal English, please bring your paper to the Writing Studio which is part of the academic achievement center.