Go project 2

Due: Tuesday Oct 9th at 11:59pm (the day after Columbus Day so start early)

Summary: We are going to build out the complete chat server from the end of chapter 8 in the go Book(hint, you want to read and understand chapter 8 in the book, a lot of the undergrad parts of the assignment are hinted at (but not directly laid out) in the chapter itself.


Extend the example program at the end of Chapter 8 to include solutions to Exercises 8.12, 8.13 and 8.14. Do 8.14 first since it will make 8.12 much easier rather than the other way around.

Write a go program which:

To help you have an actual server, we have a redhat linux server which is available from both on and off campus. It is


your username on that server is your full bridgewater email and your password is your BSU password

So you can login using SSH

ssh -X <you>@student.bridgew.edu@cshmwrk-prd.bridgew.edu

then type your password at the prompt. (remember unix passwords don't echo anything when you are typeing your password so as not to give away even the number of characters in your password.)

Visual Studio Code is installed so you can edit your code on the server itself. Then use the command line tools, go run <your server>.go

to be able to use visual studio code be sure that the -X flag when using ssh is A CAPITAL X

I'm still working with IT to open ports so you can run your server here and your clients on your desktop. I'll let you all know what ports are available separately.


    zip up your go project with source files and submit via blackboard