Comp151 Final Project

Due: Dec 17th at 11:59pm (this is pretty late so late submissions will end at 7am the following morning - really just overnight if you didn't get it in on time, not extra time)


to end the semester and to give you a taste of larger projects that you should be ready for now, we will do one final project that is larger than the rest (and will have a larger number of points commiserate with the effort required.


History: Once upon a time 30-some years ago there was a cutting edge game called Berzerk by a then popular company: Atari. If you missed the recent 'retro-gaming' craze and don't know the game you can see A short history of the game(youtube) and you can play through a (slow and laggy) recreation at

Your Job: you will build a one level simplified Berzerk clone according to the specifications below. To make this simple version implement the specifications below. We'll do a turn based approach rather than real time for simplicity.

image from:

Extra Credit:

There is extra credit available on this project for those students who have the above base project implemented already.

As a reference, I expect the base project to be worth 240 to 250 pts. (and the first project was worth around 70 pts)

Restrictions and non-code directions:


zip the entire project folder including the code and the assets subfolder and the readme.txt and submit the entire thing in one zip file on blackboard.