Comp 151 Project 1

A simple introductory project


This introductory project will get you used to writing programs on your own. We do a similar project in class, so most of what you are doing here is making sure you have the tools installed and that you can use them on your own. (and make sure you can make some changes to an existing program so that you really understand it)


  Monday Sept 17th Wed Sept 19th at 11:59pm.


You will write a python program which calls a function which will do the following things:
    1. ask the user for 12 game scores (the user will enter an integer for the number of points earned)
    2. keep a running total of the number of points
    3. After all of the results are submitted, find the average number of points
    4. report that average score to the user

At this early stage assume that the user will enter the data correctly (see below for directions on the comments)

Additional  requirements:

Your function cannot be more than 7 lines of code (comments don't count, nor do blank lines.) You must use a loop.

To help me identify your work, make the name of your program file

(so mine would be
And put the following at the beginning of the program as a comment:

Project Submission

Submit your project via blackboard. For this first project the python file by itself is all you need to submit.