2D Game Programming:
Programming Project 3
Due: Nov 23rd
Summary: Build a game inspired by the old xbill game
if you aren't familiar with xbill have a look here at
a video of it
Your game should meet the following minimum requirements:
(you can substitute out a theme more appealing to you if you want - so long
as it is reasonable)
- At the beginning of the game, the player will have a
tiled map
- The map should be at least 25x25 tiles
- 5 of those tiles should be computers.
- Every so often a Microsoft employee should wander in from the edge of
the map and head toward one of the computers.,
- If the MS employee makes it to the computer, they infect it with
microsoft windows
- If the user manages to click on the MS employee, they get "squished"
- put up a spat and then shortly later remove it.
- As time goes on, MS employees should come more quickly.
- each enemy should have an animated walk
- each enemy should follow a straight path from the edge of the map to
the designated computer
- When there are no computers running secure (non-windows) operating systems
left, put up a message telling the player that they lost
- if the player survives 100 bad guys put up a "you win" message
- when the game is over, it should be up but unplayable (unless you
allow replays)
- You need sounds for
- new bad guy entering
- bad guy squish
- a bad guy infecting a machine
- make it possible/gradable
As usual, you may reuse up to (But not more than) 20% of your code from
other sources. Be sure to reference any such code.
make sure your game assets are in subdirectories of your actual project
directory. Submit the entire directory tree compressed by blackboard as
The writeup will be extensive for this one. It needs to include
- Your name
- A Manual for the game
- how do I start it
- how do I play it
- controls
- anything else I need to know to play
- how did you implement the game. Just a couple of paragraphs on what
you decided to do and why
- References to any code or assets you used from elsewhere
- Anything left undone