Comp 151 Project 1
A simple introductory project
This introductory project will get you used to writing programs on your own
Wednesday Sept 21th at 11:59pm.
You will write a python program which calls a
function which will do the following things:
- ask the user for 12 game results (the user will enter 1 for a win
or 0 for a loss)
- keep a running total of the number of victories
- After all of the results are submitted, find the win percentage
- report that win percentage to the user
At this early stage assume that the user will enter the data correctly (see
below for directions on the comments)
Additional requirements:
Your function cannot be more than 7 lines of code (comments don't count, nor
do blank lines.) You must use a loop.
To help me identify your work, make the name of your program file
(so mine would be
And put the following at the beginning of the program as a comment:
- Your name
- Anything that was left undone
- Anything that I need to know to run the program correctly.
Project Submission
Submit your project via blackboard. For this first project the python
file by itself is all you need to submit.