Mobile Development Project 1

A Symbian App

Due: Sunday Oct 17th at 11:59pm
UPDATE:  The assignment is now using the Symbian QT tools rather than the original symbian carbide.c++ toolkit.


In this project you will build a very simple graphical application that displays one of two images depending on which of two buttons was last pushed.


This project will be done using the official symbian c++ qt development tools. (yes it can be done easier in symbian's python dev setup but I'm not going to let anyone get  a head start just from knowing python.)

First get they official symbian QT development tools. You will need to register as a symbian developer (Free and relatively quick - minutes not weeks) You will need to get the ADT and the SDK.

Create a symbian project and create a simple application that will put an image at the top of the application and two buttons at the bottom. The behavior of the application is also simple, when one button is pressed, one image should appear, when the other button is pushed, another image should be placed on the image part of the app.

The behavior of the app is simple. However I think it will take a little more time on the phone than on the desktop to write this. You may use any of the code in the code examples from the symbian site ( However you must reference any code you take from there in your code (using comments) and in your report.


For the class following the due date, bring a hard copy report with the following (Standard formal English please) All Double spaced please.

  1. Introduction: let me and others know what you were trying to do (this will be quite short here)
  2. Describe your code and your process. Did anything unusual go on? not more than about a half page
  3. How did developing for this mobile device differ from developing for a desktop application
  4. How did developing for this mobile device differ from developing for other mobile devices (lets just pretend compare to iOS development since we won't be able to do this development.
  5. A brief conclusion discussion your assesment of developing for this mobile device.
The whole report should probably be about 3ish pages.