Internet Programming Announcements

Dec 8 : updates to lab4 are available on the lab4 page.

Nov 26: New info on the lab3 page for those using QuickPHP

Nov21: This weekend is the BSC IT maintenance window. csdev01 will be down friday night. This will bring the submit server down as well. I'll bring the submit server back up as soon as I can on Saturday.

Project 3 updated to reflect the need for a writeup file.

The due date announced in class has been officially added to the web page for lab2

An updated version of the starter packet is now available - tomato throwing by players and transparency in the tomato image background.

Lecture notes for lectures so far have made it up to the website.

Welcome to Internet Programming for Fall 2008. Various announcements will be posted here through the semester. Be sure to check here if class is ever cancelled for any reason.