CS199: Information Security for the Information age, a freshman seminar Syllabus.

John F. Santore
Phone: 508-531-2226
Office: Hart 220

Instructor Web Page: http://webhost.bridgew.edu/jsantore/
Course Web Page: http://webhost.bridgew.edu/jsantore/Fall2005/cs199/
Office Hours: 
Mon 10-11am, Tues 5-6pm, Thurs 10-11am, Fri 9-10am

I also will take appointments if you cannot make my other office hours, however, I generally have meetings and work prepared for a day or two ahead so plan on about 48 hours from the time I get your request

Course Description:
This course will introduce many of the hazards to privacy and information security that the the widespread use of the internet age has made possible. In CS199, you will also learn the techniques for writing effectively about technical subjects. On the technical side, we will consider how the ubiquitious nature of networked devices has created a new set of challenges that many people are not yet aware of. These include hacking, social engineering, viruses, spam and spyware among others. In our outsourcing oriented society, good communication skills are essentual for the jobs of the future. One must understand the difference between fact and opinion; one must also be able to present facts and opinions in a cohesive recommendation and know when each is useful. The writing techniques that you learn here will be a part of your ability to express yourself clearly.

Textbook: The text for this class will be Keys to Great Writing by Stephen Wilbers

Class meetings:

This class will meets Mondays and Wednesdays from 12:20 pm - 1:35 pm.

Class Requirements and grading:

In this class, your grade will be based on your performance in the following areas.

Writing (drafts and final papers): 60%
Exams: 30%
Participation/Homeworks/Quizzes etc: 10%

Students with special needs:

Anyone who has special needs should contact me in the first week of classes so that reasonable accommodations can be agreed on. You should also go to the academic achievement center and get the official letter to give me.

Writing Requirements:
When writing for this class, there will be certian minimum formatting requirements.

Your instructor remembers his first semester of college and how it seemed so much easier to write a paper on a computer just by playing with the formatting. To encourage you to avoid this mistake, I will provide the following formatting guidelines for all writing done for this class

Academic Integrity:

See http://www.bridgew.edu/Handbook/PoliciesProcedures/academicmisconduct.cfm for a complete description of the academic integrity procedure at here at BSC.

Academic integrity will be taken very seriously in this class. All individual work must be your own. If you cheat or otherwise represent the work of others as your own. You will receive an F for the course.

Guidelines for proper academic integrity:

Discussing problems with your classmates can help you understand the problems and kinds of solutions to those problems that you will learn about in this class. Reviewing each other's papers is also an excellent way to get constructive feedback from your peers. To help you understand what is appropriate and what is not, use this rule of thumb: You may discuss whatever you like outside of class as long as no one is working with an electronic recording device (computer, camera, pda, etc). You may review and edit one anothers papers in hard copy only. You may not edit anyone's paper on a computer.
    You must also cite any idea or actual sentance that you read somewhere and then use in one of your papers. We will discuss proper attribution of sources in class. However, a good rule of thumb is the following: If I type one of the sentances that I read in your paper into google (or another search engine), if I find part of your paper out on the web, you had better have that part of the paper quoted and cited properly. We will discuss citations in class before your first 4 page paper is due.

Standards for in-class behavior:
You are all adults and are expected to act as adults in this class. While questions are encouraged in this class, if a particular line of questioning is taking us too far afield, I will ask the student to come by my office hours or to see me after class.

Cell phones, pagers, electronic organizers and other devises should be silenced while in class. If you work of EMS or something similar, please turn your cell phones/ pagers etc to vibrate mode so that you are not disrupting others in the class.

In the unlikely case of trouble makers in the class, those who are simply attempting to disrupt the class will be asked to stop; those who will not, will be referred to the college for appropriate action.

Tentitive Schedule:

The tentitive schedule for the semester is below. We will interupt this schedule to discuss any breaking security news as it happens.

Week 1 *
Start reading technical
Week 2
Networking, effects, implications, and basic security. Your information that is out there.

Week 3*&
Writing mechanics Citations and more
First 4 page paper assigned
Week 4
Viruses, Trojans, worms and other
illegal malicious software
Draft of paper due
Week 5
Viruses, Trojans, worms and other
illegal malicious software continued

Week 6*
More writing fundimentals
First paper due; Second 4
page paper assigned.
Week 7
The human element: Social engineering, identity theft, etc.
Draft of second paper due.
Week 8
The human element: Social engineering, identity theft, etc. continued.
Draft of second paper due.
Midterm Oct 26th
Week 9
Writing tips etc

Week 10*
Spyware, adware and other legal and quasi-legal malware
Second paper due; Final paper assigned
Week 11
Spyware, adware and other legal and quasi-legal malware
Week 12
Direct attacks: hacking and more
First Draft of 7 page paper due
Week 13
Direct attacks: hacking and more
Week 14
Slip week for pressing issues of the day.
Decond Draft of final paper due
Week 15
Tying it all together.

* indicates a week with only one class meeting
*& Senior convocation week, we may lose one class (wednesday) to this event.