Sources for the Investiture Controversy

Version 1.1 (2018)

compiled by J. R. Webb
St-Omer 698

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ca. 1081 Sigebert of Gembloux Epistola contra Hildebrandum

ca. 1081 polemic Gembloux
Sigebert of Gembloux
Epistola contra Hildebrandum [Letter against Hildebrand]

mentioned by Sigebert himself, in De scriptoribus ecclesiasticis, PL 160: 587 (link): validis patrum argumentis respondi epistolae Hildebrandi papae, quam scripsit ad Hermanum Metensem episcopum, in potestatis regiae calumniam.

Written as a response to Gregory VII's second letter to Bishop Hermann of Metz, dated 15 Mar. 1081 (JL 5201: Registrum, 8.21).

1084 Theoderich of Tholey Libri duo contra Hildebrandum

1084 polemic Trier
Theoderich of Tholey, abbot of Sankt Martin (1096–ca. 1130)
Libri duo contra Hildebrandum [Two books against Hildebrand]

cf. Gesta Treverorum (addit. et continuatio), c. 14, MGH SS 8: 188 (link)

The Gesta Trev. add that Theoderich was given the abbacy of St-Martin as a reward for service to Engilbert, which included retreiving the pallium from Clement III as well as writing this polemic.  Theoderich had earlier revealed anti-Gregorian tendencies in his Passio Cunonis (BHL 1922), c. 4, ed. G.H. Pertz, MGH SS 8: 217 (link).

1084 Alberic of Montecassino Liber contra Henricum imperatorem de electione Romani pontificis

1084 polemic Montecassino
Alberic of Montecassino
Liber contra Henricum imperatorem de electione Romani pontificis  [Book against emperor Henry on the election of the Roman pope]

mentioned by Peter the Deacon in Chronica monasterii Casinensis 3.35, ed. H. Hoffmann, MGH SS 34: 411 (link)

Hoffmann does not provide additional comment.

1084–1085 Anselm of Lucca Epistola prima contra Wibertum

1084–1085 polemic Mantua?
Anselm of Lucca
Epistola prima contra Wibertum  [First letter against Wibert]

cf. Anselm, Liber contra Wibertum, MGH LdL 1: 520 (link): Scripsi tibi pauca cum multo dolore et sincerae caritatis affectu, ut cognoscens errorem tuum redires ad cor et poenitentiam ageres delictorum tuorum.

1085 Bernhard of Hildesheim? Relatio de conventu in villa Gerstungen-Berkach

1085 polemic Saxony
Bernhard of Hildesheim?
Relatio de conventu in villa Gerstungen-Berkach [Report on the meeting in Gerstungen-Berkach]

account partially reproduced in Annalista Saxo, ed. K. Nass, MGH SS 37: 472–474 (link) and Annales Magdeburgeneses, ed. G.H. Pertz, MGH SS 16: 176–177 (link)

The Gregorian account of the meeting, which Erdmann saw as Bernhard's. Robinson 1978 discusses the possibility that a "Henrician account" of the same proceedings also circulated.

1085 Wibert/Clement III Liber ad Anselmum

1085 polemic Rome
Wibert, archbishop of Ravenna (1073–1100) / (anti)pope Clement III (1080–1100)
Liber ad Anselmum  [Book to Anselm (of Lucca)]

cf. Anselm, Liber contra Wibertum, MGH LdL 1: 52514 and 52712 (link). Two brief passages are quoted by Wido of Ferrara, De schismate Hildebrandi, MGH LdL 1: 554 (link).

1085–1086   Libellus "Deus noster, inquit apostolus, ignis consumens est"

1085–1086 polemic unknown
Libellus "Deus noster, inquit apostolus, ignis consumens est"

fragments reproduced in the Libellus "Cum rerum omnium"  from München, BSB, clm 618, ed. I.S. Robinson, in Studi Gregoriani 11 (1977) 303–387.

ante 1086 Anselm of Lucca Commentarium in Psalmos

ante 1086 biblical commentary Tuscany
Anselm, bishop of Lucca (1073–1086)
Commentarium in Psalmos  [Commentary on the Psalms]

An excerpt (on Psalm 2:2) is included in Paul of Bernried's Vita Gregorii, c. 112, ed. J.M. Watterich (1862), 541 (link)

cf. Stegmüller 1372

ante 1086 Anselm of Lucca Lamentationes Hieremiae

ante 1086 biblical commentary Tuscany
Anselm, bishop of Lucca (1073–1086)
Lamentationes Hieremiae  [Lamentations of Jeremiah (Commentary)]

cf. Stegmüller 1372.1

1089–1090   Epistola contra Clementem/pro defensione Gregorii

1089–1090 polemic Hirsau
Epistola contra Clementem / pro defensione Gregorii  [Letter against Clement/in defense of Gregory]

fragments in Liber de unitate ecclesiae conservanda; see e.g. MGH LdL 2: 266 (link):

Igitur aemulatores sive auctores scismatum, quae dudum facta sunt in ecclesia pariter et in re publica, extant praecipue quidam, qui dicuntur monachi de Hirsaugia, ex quorum scola pervenit ad nos haec, de qua tractamus, epistola, quae contra apostolicam sedem et contra regiam potestatem est descripta; et intestinum illud bellum, quo in plures sectas iam diu scissus est singularis ille ordo monachorum, ecce pervenit ad publicum malum.

ante 1094 Bonizo of Sutri Liber in Hugonem schismaticum

ante 1094 (1086–1094) polemic Tuscany
Bonizo of Sutri
Liber in Hugonem schismaticum [Book on Hugh the scismatic]

mentioned in Bonizo, Liber de vita christiana, IV.45, ed. Perels (1930), 133; alternate edn, IV.109: 46 (link): legat librum quem scripsi in Hugonem scismaticum et ibi inveniet ad plenum lucidata quae voluerit. Also mentioned in Bonizo's Liber de sacramentis, ed. Berschin, Bonizo von Sutri (1972), 151.

Polemic against Cardinal Hugh Candidus, who broke with Gregory VII in 1076.

1105–1109 Bruno of Segni Vita Petri episcopi Anagnini

1105–1109 hagiography Montecassino
Bruno of Segni
Vita Petri episcopi Anagnini  [Life of Peter, bishop of Anagni]

Paschal II's canonization bull of 1109 states that Bruno wrote a vita : PL 165: 1139 (link).

The surviving vita (BHL 6699) does not appear to come from Bruno, though it was likely derived from his original text.

1111–1120 David the Scot De expeditione Heinrici V

1111–1120 history unknown
David the Scot, scholasticus at Würzburg, bishop of Bangor (1120–ca. 1138)
De expeditione Heinrici V  [On the (Italian) expedition of Henry V]

mentioned by both the Chronica imperatorum (a. 1110), MGH SS 6: 243 (link) and William of Malmesbury, Gesta regum Anglorum 5 (420), ed. W. Stubbs, Rolls Series (1889) 2: 498-499 (link), who adds something about the tone of the work: Ego interim, ne bonum virum verbo videar premere, statuo indulgendum, quia non historiam sed panegyricum scripsit.