Campus Artistic and Scholarly Events
Extra Credit

James Hayes-Bohanan, Ph.D.
Updated May 7, 2007

Not the 13th Grade

College is not just a cafeteria-style menu of classes to take. It is an entire community dedicated to learning. Even if you have an outside job, you should look for every opportunity to dip into this river of knowledge and ideas. Students in my classes can earn extra credit (5 points per event) by attending any college-sanctioned learning event outside of regular classes. This includes lectures that I announce in class and other activities -- including plays, concerts, and workshops -- that are listed on the college's events page.

You can receive credit in one of two ways. If I am involved in the event, I will try to remember to pass around a sign-in sheet. If I am not directly involved or if you miss the sign-up sheet, you can use this form to request credit. I will respond to you via e-mail when I have awarded the points.

This page used to have an online e-mail form. It has been taken over by spammers. Until I find a more elegant solution, students are advised to send an email to me (jhayesboh   AT with EXTRA CREDIT in the subject line.

Your email must include:

  1. Your name and the course you are taking with me
  2. The title and date of the event you attended
  3. One or two sentences about what you learned
After you receive confirmation from me, please check Blackboard to ensure you received credit. If you do not hear from me within 48 hours, feel free to remind me.