My web site began as a single page for students when I was teaching in Texas in 1996. It has since grown to several hundred pages of material on a wide variety of topics that interest me. I spend a considerable amount of time trying to ensure that all of these pages are current, but it is not possible to check all of the pages on my own. I rely on students and other visitors to help me keep the site accurate and current.
Students in my class are eligible for 5 to 10 points of extra credit if I agree with the suggested change and the student is the first to bring it to my attention. Credit is given for identifying spelling or grammatical errors, broken links, or other mistakes on any page on my web site or other sites I maintain (such as the Cutter/Renwick web site).
You are especially encouraged to contribute ideas for my Pax Mundo site.
Credit is also given for suggested additions to my sites. Please indicate where on my site the suggested addition would fit best. Before suggesting new material, use the search box on my home page to make certain that I do not already include it!
Your email must include: