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Communication Studies Department
Seminar: Media Studies &Communication Technologie  COMM 496- X01
Spring 2011
Online Course


NOTE: Course meets on campus 3/24. 4/7, 4/21, 4/28 in LIB202


Contact Information
Dr. Jabbar Al-Obaidi

Maxwell Library Room 215K

508-531-2187 Office

508-531-1425 Fax


Office Hours

Monday            9:30-11:00AM
Tuesday            9:30-11:30AM
Wednesday       9:30-11:30AM   


About the Course
This seminar is an intensive writing course in media studies and communication technologies. It requires writing skills and critical thinking abilities to understand and critique the foundations, conceptual frameworks, theories, media studies, social media and development of communication technologies. It also intends to discuss the main principles, and introduces practical and professional guidelines to assist students-future practitioners- to come to grips with critical media studies as related to technical issues and communication law and regulations.  This course also offers several approaches to understanding communication technology pertinent to social, cultural, economic, and political issues. It strives to reestablish the notion that the history of communication technology is as much about ideas and practices as it is about events and things. Some important scholarly debates about the focus of media studies and new communication technologies.


Required Textbooks

-August E. Grant and Jennifer H. Meadows, Communication technology Update and Fundamentals, 12th edition, Focal Press.

-John C. Reinard, Introduction to Communication Research, 4th edition, McGRraw Hill Higher Education2008.


Note: Please do not hesitate to ask if you would like other suggestions for additional readings on any of the subjects discussed in class.

This course is designed to motivate you to understand and appreciate the following objectives:

-Write an original research paper and follow the core curriculum writing-intensive guidelines.

-Learn how to develop a strong thesis and topic statement.
Use a comparative analysis to develop your abilities to compare and contrast among different communication technologies and across different cultural contexts of media studies research.

-Understand contemporary structures of social media and communication technologies in regional and global settings.
Debate how media institutions and usages have evolved and recognize the connections between media, technology, economy and power.


Expected Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this course students will be able to:

-Write a research paper for public consumption.

- Spot and analyze media issues and their cultural-critical dimensions using a   comparative and analytical approach.

- question the profession's conventional wisdom and the applications of communication technology, media theories and social media.

- discuss and propose some practical solutions to change those conventions in regional and global settings.
-feel less threaten as global citizens to participate in the emergent new forms of culture and society.


Research Paper Evaluations

A: Outstanding research paper that shows thought, enterprise, structures, applicable theories,  literature review, purpose, objectives, definitions, limitations, scholarly sources, andclose attention to detail [spelling, grammar, structure, citations “APA Style” http://www.bridgew.edu/Library/pdf/apa_style.pdf . Also check this link for more APA Style help:

B: Very good research paper that shows care for and understanding, but lack some cohesiveness.  In addition, it shows some applicable theories, literature review, purpose, objectives, definitions, limitations, scholarly sources, andclose attention to detail [spelling, grammar, structure, citations “APA Style”.]

C: Fair research paper that illustrates a pedestrian or superficialfamiliarity with the topic and far from any degree of cohesiveness. Also it lacks applicable theories, literature review, purpose, objectives, definitions, limitations, scholarly sources, andclose attention to detail [spelling, grammar, structure, citations “APA Style”.]

D: Unsatisfactory research paper shows a lack of understanding, structure and focus, and/or lacks applicable theories, literature review, purpose, objectives, definitions, limitations, scholarly sources, andclose attention to detail [spelling, grammar, structure, citations “APA Style”.]

F: Failure because research paper was not submitted or completed, and/or does not apply the required procedures and instructions.

-Teaching methods for this seminar will include online mini-lectures, online visual illustrations, student PowerPoint presentations, online class discussion, blogging, reading and writing assignments, and a final research paper.

Students Responsibilities


-Since a class is a community, virtual attendance is vital. You will get the most out of this class if you do homework on time, and participate in all class activities. There will be no INCOMPLETE GRADE for this course. YOU CANNOT OBTAIN CREDITS FOR THIS COURSE IF YOU FAILED TO COMPLETE ALL SCHEDULED ASSIGNMENTS.

- Students are required to purchase or rent their Textbook.
- All assignments must be typed, double-spaced, Arial and 12 font size.
-PowerPoint presentation should be posted to the discussion board and individual folder.
Students are asked to consider more than one side of an issue.
The instructor of this course reserves the rights to alter the materials and/or make any amendments.
-The instructor will ask you to withdraw from the course when a deficit becomes an apparent issue.
As stated above all assignments must be typed and carefully proof-read for grammar, punctuation, spelling and page numbers included. Before submission, assignments will be graded down if you do not follow directions and instructions. At times, I may allow for revisions if I think that your ideas are good, but your exposition poor. In these cases, I will help you revise. I also encourage you to enlist the help of the Academic Achievement Center.

Blackboard and Class Discussion
-Reading assignments must be completed as scheduled. Well thought discussion, inquiry, and expression are required in this class.

-Online performance is important and is part of your grade evaluation. Points are marked. -You are required to formulate questions, and to develop a logical argument on the discussion board.

-Once or Twice a week: Post no less than 600- word each time discussing assigned materials and topics posted by the instructor. It should show ideas, enterprise, focus, and use no less than two scholarly sources. You must cite your sources in APA Style.

Analytical Assessment
 Students are required to read assigned chapters and write a short critical assessment of the materials read and/or presentations made for this class. Post this assignment on your individual folder during the week. Here how access your individual folder: Login to blackboard, Communication


EFFECTIVE POWERPOINT FOR YOUR FINAL PRESENTATION (Thursdays: April 7, April 21, and April 28). (STUDENTS MUST ATTEND THESE MEETINGS. Disregarding this requirement will result in a sever reduction of the final grade. There will be no room for negotiation this requirement.


Final PowerPoint Presentations must be posted on blackboard one day prior to your presentation.

“While PowerPoint will not take the place of communication skills, it can be a great tool for enhancing and improving your skills.”

Tips and General Guides for an Effective PowerPoint Presentation

-"5 by 5 RULE: The five by five rule is to limit yourself to five lines of text per slide and no more than 5 words per line.

-FONT: Keep the font sizes of your title lines no greater than 36-point. You may use 60 points for your main titles.

-You might consider using ALL BOLD fonts in presentations.

-When you want to emphasize a point use a different color for the font, italicize the text or underline it.

-Contrast your text and background colors. You may use shadows for improved legibility.

-Don't overuse effects or overcrowd slides.

-Think like someone in your audience. Picture what your audience will be seeing and hearing. Spend more time on content than on design issues.

-Storyboard your presentation. PowerPoint helps you think structurally about your presentation. You know you need an introduction, a body, main points, all supported with arguments, stories and examples and a conclusion with at least two questions to engage your audience in a good discussion.

-Do not use a lot of images and photos. If necessary, use separate slide for each image or photo.


Regular Class Meetings (MUST ATTEND)>Classroom, LIB202 at 2:00pm.

March 24 Final Paper Discussion.
April 7 Final Presentations/I will assign up to 7 students.

April 21 Final Presentations/ I will assign up to 7 students.
April 28 Final Presentations/ I will assign up to 7 students.

NOTE: ALL Hardcopies and electronic Final Papers DUE on Thursday, April 28 in class.

Assignments and Activities

-Discussion Board:  Twice a week (Posting #1 and #2):  Post #1 Due: Mondays at 10pm. Post #2 Due: Wednesdays at 10:00pm or as scheduled on class syllabus. You will post no less than 600-word on the discussion board answering, elaborating, commenting on topic posted by the instructor. Offering additional comments and reactions on the Discussion Board is encouraged. Students will gain extra points. There is no repeat or a substitution for any of the assigned postings.


Chapters’ Reading and Critical Review: Three pages be posted on your individual folder. Due on Fridays at 10:00pm. Students will discuss the main concepts and leading points covered by the chapter.  Also, you are asked to find at least two additional sources to backup your reading and critical review of the assigned chapter. Students are asked to write as a conclusion (at the end of the three pages) at least three learning points from the reading. You are required to acknowledge your sources using APA

Style. A violation may result in a reduced grade, suspension, or dismissal from the university.

PowerPoint Assignment
Each student will assign a chapter to make and post a PowerPoint on Blackboard. Please see class events. PowerPoint presenters will not submit the required three pages.


Note: Please pay close attention to the class events because some inconsistencies in the deadlines may occur due to holidays and other circumstances.


Final Presentations: Thursdays: April 7, April 21, and April 28. Class will meet in Maxwell Library classroom LIB 202 at 2:00pm. Students are required to attend these meetings. NO EXCEPTION!

Each student will have no more than ten minutes to present the final paper. You are required to do a PowerPoint presentation for your final paper. Presentation must cover purpose of the paper, objectives, methodology, theory (brief outlines), findings and conclusion. You are discouraged from relying on reading directly from the paper.  Students must attend all four physical meetings to receive credits for COMM 496.


Final Paper: Due date: Thursday, April 28 in Maxwell Library classroom LIB 202 at 2:00pm.

Specifications:  NO LESS THAN TWENTY pages, typed, doubled spaced, and Aria12 font size. You are required to use at least twenty sources.  Sources include eight scholarly journals, recent books (2008-2011), newspapers, TV and radio programs, films, interviews, etc. Please No Wikipedia. You will not need to have a separate cover sheet for the title, your name, course number, and the date of submission. See attached template.  More details will be provided during the first three weeks.

* January 28:
You will submit a proposal for your final paper. A form will be available on blackboard. You may select and write about current media studies topics or issues. You are not limited to write about the American media studies, cultural and critical issues, practices or communication technologies. You are strongly encouraged to choose topics that deal with global media and issues in global communication. Your instructor must approve topics. Due: January 27 at 10:00pm. Post it on your individual folder.

* Paper One SIX PAGES (1-6) of your final paper. It includes: Introduction, Purpose, Friday, Feb 25 at 10:00pm. You will post it on your individual folder.

* Paper Two: SEVEN PAGES (pp 7-14) It must be submitted on Friday, March 25 at 10:00pm. It consists of the following sections: Media and Technology Theories to be used in the research, literature review, and part of your discussion. You will post it on your individual folder.

* Final Paper/Paper Three (twenty pages +sources): This includes papers one and two.  You have six pages or more to focus on the discussion, an in-depth analysis, findings/results, conclusion, and bibliography. You will combine paper one, two, and three and submit it in class as a complete paper of twenty 20+. Students will post the complete final paper of  20+ pages on their individual folder. However, you are required to hand- in a hard copy in class on Thursday, April 28 in class (Maxwell Library LIB202 at 2:00pm.)


Note: Table and charts are allowable as appendixes.  Or they can be added as addendum.

* Presentations: Each student will have up to TEN MINUTES to present her/his paper. You are asked to use PowerPoint and you can use film and video clips, photos, sound, and other instructional tools. You must submit a hardcopy of your paper in class, and an additional electronic copy in your individual folder. Late paper will not be accepted.  All students must attend the meetings. Your grade will be severely reduced and may not obtain a passing grade for COMM496.


*Note: You are assigned to make and post a PowerPoint presentation. Please review class syllabi and mark your assignment. PowerPoint must be posted on the DISCUSSION BOARD, POWERPOINT.


Unscheduled and occasional assignments are expected. The instructor will determine the need for such assignments.


Other Responsibilities
Since a class is a community, participation is vital. You will get the most out of this class if you submit your homework as scheduled and on time.

-Students must attend the scheduled four days for discussion and presentations (3/24, 4/7, 4/21 & 4/28. Failure to attend all presentations will result in a failing grade for the course. There will be no INCOMPLETE GRADE for this course. YOU CANNOT OBTAIN CREDITS FOR THIS COURSE IF YOU FAILED TO COMPLETE ALL SCHEDULED ASSIGNMENTS.
- To better serve your educational and learning interests, I reserve the rights to alter the materials and/or make some amendments.
-  Please, do not complain about this class to your classmates, friends, or adviser. This kind of practice will not provide you with the right answer or the kind of assistance that you are looking for. I expect and ask you to address any concerns of yours directly to me. I will be more than happy to listen to your concerns, and work with you to resolve these problems or issues. It is my educational role to assist you to succeed in your work. If you have any concerns regarding your grade, please discuss it with me as early as possible.
As stated above all assignments must be typed and carefully proof-read for grammar, punctuation, and spelling. All papers must be stapled. Before submission, Assignments will be graded down if you do not follow directions and instructions. At times, I may allow for revisions if I think that your ideas are good, but your exposition poor. In these cases, I will help you revise. I also encourage you to enlist the help of the Academic Achievement Center.
- Always cite your sources using APA Style. Do not Copy and Paste information and data from other sources without acknowledgment and documentation.
A violation may result in a reduced grade, suspension, or dismissal from the university.

Note: A grade of C or higher is required for this class and all Communication Studies classes.

Notice to Students: Papers you turn in for assignments for this class may be selected randomly for further program assessment unrelated to your success in this class. Inclusion of your work in this institutional assessment will have no impact on your grade in this class or on your academic progress.


Academic Integrity: Institutions of higher education are dedicated to the pursuit of truth. In this pursuit, academic honesty is of fundamental importance. Faculty, students and administrators all have a responsibility to value, demonstrate and safeguard academic integrity as one of the college's most essential institutional values.
Bridgewater State University, academic honesty is expected of all students; plagiarism and cheating are not condoned and are subject to academic penalty, which may result in a failure for the course in which the violation took place. A violation may result in a reduced grade, suspension, or dismissal from the college. Academic misconduct includes, but is not limited to, plagiarism, cheating, and dishonest practices. For more information please visit:        

Grading Policy


A — Superior; B — Good; C — Satisfactory; D — Poor; F — Failure.



Discussion Board/Postings                                   20%
First Paper                                              15%
Second Paper                                         15%
Final Paper                                              20%

Chapters Review


Final Presentations

Total  100                                              

 Grade Scale


























Statement of Acknowledgment 
Please copy and paste this statement on the Discussion Board:

I-------- --(your first and last names) hereby acknowledged that I have read COMM496-X01 syllabi, and understand the  course policies and required assignments.  I also understand that this is an online course, and it is my responsibility to comply with the policies and deadlines set for the course and as reflected by the syllabi  I understand that to get three credits for this course, I must submit all assignments on time and as scheduled by the instructor. I also have made the necessary arrangements to attend class meetings scheduled on Thursdays: 3/24, 4/7, 4/21 & 4/28. I also understand the consequences of neglecting these requirements including a technical failure.

Your Name: (Last)----------------------(First)----------------Date:     /    /2011.

Schedule of Events




Week 1: 1/19-21


Familiarize yourself with the course and its assignments.


- Friday 1/21 at 10:00pm: Write two pages about your concerns about the media and the impacts of communication technologies on the content.  Drop the paper in you individual folder on blackboard. Here is how to access it on blackboard: Communication, Group Pages, Click on your name, File Exchange, and submit your work. You will find my comments posted on your individual folder as well.


Communication Research Reading: Review Ch.1&2 in Reinard.


-Read the guidelines for the Final paper, Instructions and Preparations. Prepare your proposal for  the final paper.  Posting due on Monday 1/24.

Always cite your sources using APA Style. Do not Copy and Paste information and data from other sources without acknowledgment and documentation. 
A violation may result in a reduced grade, suspension, or dismissal from the university.

Week 2: 1/24-28






- Online Reading: Course Documents: Media Theories and Applications.  Expand and use other sources.


-Monday 1/24 at 10pm- Posting #1: no less than 600 -word addressing the theories that you are interested in and will most likely be used as a theoretical framework for your final paper.  Remember COMM222 and 224.

Communication Research Reading: Review Ch.3&4 in Reinard.


-Friday 1/28 at 10:00pm:Proposal for Final Paper Due. Drop it in your individual folder.


Always cite your sources using APA Style. Do not Copy and Paste information and data from other sources without acknowledgment and documentation.  A violation may result in a reduced grade, suspension, or dismissal from the university.

Week 3: 1/31-2/1-4



Friday 2/4 at 10:00 pm. Reading and Critical Review (Three pages): Ch. 1 & 2, in Grant &Meadows. Do not forget to use two additional sources to support your reading. Post on your Individual Folder on blackboard.


- Arias, Rachel A. Ch.1. You will  make and post a PowerPoint on Blackboard. Due Friday, 2/4 at 10:00pm. (don’t do the above three pages)

- Chiaramonte, Mark A. Ch. 2. You will make and post a PowerPoint on Blackboard. Due Friday, 2/4. (don’t do the above three pages)

Communication Research Reading: Review Ch.5&6 in Reinard.


Discussion Board:Twice a week: No Less than 600-word each time. Please refer to the topics on the Discussion Board.
Monday 1/31: Posting#1.
Wednesday 2/1: posting #2.

Communication Research Reading:

Always cite your sources using APA Style. Do not Copy and Paste information and data from other sources without acknowledgment and documentation. 
A violation may result in a reduced grade, suspension, or dismissal from the university.

Week 4: 2/7-11


Friday 2/11 at 10:00 pm. Reading and Critical Review (Three pages): Chs. 3 & 4 in Grant &Meadows. Do not forget to use two additional sources to support your reading. Post on your Individual Folder on blackboard.


- Condon, Travis Ch.3. You will make and post a PowerPoint on Blackboard. Due Friday 2/11 (don’t do the above three pages)

- Ellard, Melissa A. Ch.4. You will  make and post a PowerPoint on Blackboard. Due Friday, 2/11. (don’t do the above three pages)

Communication Research Reading: Review Ch.7&8 in Reinard.


Discussion Board:Twice a week: No Less than 600-word each time. Please refer to the topics on the Discussion Board.
Monday 2/7: Posting#1.
Wednesday 2/9: posting #2.

Always cite your sources using APA Style. Do not Copy and Paste information and data from other sources without acknowledgment and documentation. 
A violation may result in a reduced grade, suspension, or dismissal from the university.

Week 5:2/14-18






Friday 2/18 at 10:00 pm. Reading and Critical Review (Three pages): Chs. 5 & 6 in Grant &Meadows. Do not forget to use two additional sources to support your reading. Post on your Individual Folder on blackboard.


- Fahey, Sean E. Ch.5. You will make and post a PowerPoint on Blackboard. Due Friday 2/18 (don’t do the above three pages)

- Franco, Anthony C. Ch.6. You will  make and post a PowerPoint on Blackboard. Due Friday, 2/18. (don’t do the above three pages)


Communication Research Reading: Review Ch.9&10 in Reinard.


Discussion Board:Twice a week: No Less than 600-word each time. Please refer to the topics on the Discussion Board.
Monday 2/14: Posting#1.
Wednesday 2/16: posting #2.

Always cite your sources using APA Style. Do not Copy and Paste information and data from other sources without acknowledgment and documentation. 
A violation may result in a reduced grade, suspension, or dismissal from the university.

Week 6:2/21-25



Feb 25 at 10:00pm: Paper One: SIX PAGES (1-6) of your final paper. It includes: Introduction, Purpose, Methodology, Limitations, Definitions, and Literature Review. Post it on your individual folder.


Wednesday 2/23 at 10:00 pm. Reading and Critical Review (Three pages): Chs. 7 & 8 in Grant &Meadows. Do not forget to use two additional sources to support your reading. Post on your Individual Folder on blackboard.


- Gallerani, Stephen N. Ch. 7. You will make and post a PowerPoint on Blackboard. Due Friday 2/18 (don’t do the above three pages)

- Goonan, Jessica E. Ch. 8. You will  make and post a PowerPoint on Blackboard. Due Friday, 2/18. (don’t do the above three pages)

Communication Research Reading: Review Ch.11&12 in Reinard.


Always cite your sources using APA Style. Do not Copy and Paste information and data from other sources without acknowledgment and documentation.  A violation may result in a reduced grade, suspension, or dismissal from the university.

Week 7



Friday 3/4 at 10:00 pm. Reading and Critical Review (Three pages): Chs. 8 & 9 in Grant &Meadows. Do not forget to use two additional sources to support your reading. Post on your Individual Folder on blackboard.


- Hanley, Stefanie D. Ch. 8. You will make and post a PowerPoint on Blackboard. Due Friday 3/4 (don’t do the above three pages)
- Lamothe, Cameron J. Ch. 9. You will  make and post a PowerPoint on Blackboard. Due Friday, 3/4. (don’t do the above three pages).

- Riley, Nicole M. Ch.4 in Reinard. You will  make and post a PowerPoint on Blackboard. Due Friday, 3/4. (don’t do the above three pages).

- Scott, Charles R. Ch.6 in Reinard. You will  make and post a PowerPoint on Blackboard. Due Friday, 3/4. (don’t do the above three pages).


Discussion Board: Twice a week: No Less than 600-word each time. Please refer to the topics on the Discussion Board.
Monday 2/28: Posting#1.
Wednesday3/2: posting #2.

Always cite your sources using APA Style. Do not Copy and Paste information and data from other sources without acknowledgment and documentation. 
A violation may result in a reduced grade, suspension, or dismissal from the university.

Week 8








Friday 3/18 at 10:00 pm. Reading and Critical Review (Three pages): Chs. 10 & 11 in Grant &Meadows. Do not forget to use two additional sources to support your reading. Post on your Individual Folder on blackboard.


- Lockhart, Benjamin P. Ch. 10. You will make and post a PowerPoint on Blackboard. Due Friday 3/18 (don’t do the above three pages)
- Loughman, Molly E. Ch. 11. You will  make and post a PowerPoint on Blackboard. Due Friday, 3/18. (don’t do the above three pages)


Discussion Board: Twice a week: No Less than 600-word each time. Please refer to the topics on the Discussion Board.
Monday 3/14: Posting#1.
Wednesday3/16: posting #2.

Communication Research Reading: Review Ch.13 in Reinard.


Always cite your sources using APA Style. Do not Copy and Paste information and data from other sources without acknowledgment and documentation.  A violation may result in a reduced grade, suspension, or dismissal from the university.

Week 9

3/24 at 2:00PM




Paper Two: SEVEN PAGES (pp 7-14) It must be submitted on Friday, March 25 at 10:00pm. It consists of the following sections: Media and Technology Theories to be used in the research, literature review, and part of your discussion. You will post it on your individual folder.

Monday 3/21 at 10:00 pm. Reading and Critical Review (Three pages): Chs. 12 & 13 in Grant &Meadows. Do not forget to use two additional sources to support your reading. Post on your Individual Folder on blackboard.


- Medeiros, Katya Ch. 12. You will make and post a PowerPoint on Blackboard. Due Friday 3/21(don’t do the above three pages)
- Miller, Brian F. Ch. 13. You will  make and post a PowerPoint on Blackboard. Due Friday, 3/21. (don’t do the above three pages)


Discussion Board: Twice a week: No Less than 600-word each time. Please refer to the topics on the Discussion Board.
Wednesday 3/23: Posting#1.

Communication Research Reading: Review Ch.14 in Reinard.


Always cite your sources using APA Style. Do not Copy and Paste information and data from other sources without acknowledgment and documentation.  A violation may result in a reduced grade, suspension, or dismissal from the university.

Week 10




Friday 4/1 at 10:00 pm. Reading and Critical Review (Three pages): Chs. 14& 15 in Grant &Meadows. Do not forget to use two additional sources to support your reading. Post on your Individual Folder on blackboard.


- Oak, Andrew P. Ch. 14. You will make and post a PowerPoint on Blackboard. Due Monday 4/1(don’t do the above three pages)
- Pasco, Benjamin M. Ch. 15. You will  make and post a PowerPoint on Blackboard. Due Friday, 4/1. (don’t do the above three pages)

Communication Research Reading: Review Ch.15 in Reinard.


Discussion Board: Twice a week: No Less than 600-word each time. Please refer to the topics on the Discussion Board.
Wednesday 3/28: Posting#1.

Always cite your sources using APA Style. Do not Copy and Paste information and data from other sources without acknowledgment and documentation. 
A violation may result in a reduced grade, suspension, or dismissal from the university.

Week 11


4/7 at 2:00PM







Friday 4/8 at 10:00 pm. Reading and Critical Review (Three pages): Chs. 16&17. in Grant &Meadows. Do not forget to use two additional sources to support your reading. Post on your Individual Folder on blackboard.


- Bethoney, Jeremy. Ch.16. You will make and post a PowerPoint on Blackboard. Due Monday 4/4 (don’t do the above three pages)
- Lanigan, Ryan. Ch. 17. You will make and post a PowerPoint on Blackboard. Due Monday 4/4 (don’t do the above three pages)

Communication Research Reading: Review Ch.16 in Reinard.


Discussion Board: Twice a week: No Less than 600-word each time. Please refer to the topics on the Discussion Board.
Friday 4/8: Posting#1.

Always cite your sources using APA Style. Do not Copy and Paste information and data from other sources without acknowledgment and documentation. 
A violation may result in a reduced grade, suspension, or dismissal from the university.

Week 12





Also, reading Chs. 18&19 in Grant. Three pages): Chs. 18&19. in Grant &Meadows. Do not forget to use two additional sources to support your reading. Post on your Individual Folder on blackboard.


- Petersen, Gary J. Ch. 18. You will make and post a PowerPoint on Blackboard. Due Monday 4/8 (don’t do the above three pages)
Pate, Lashawna. Ch. 19. You will make and post a PowerPoint on Blackboard. Due Monday 4/8 (don’t do the above three pages)

Discussion Board: Twice a week: No Less than 600-word each time. Please refer to the topics on the Discussion Board.
Monday 4/11 Posting#1.

Always cite your sources using APA Style. Do not Copy and Paste information and data from other sources without acknowledgment and documentation.  A violation may result in a reduced grade, suspension, or dismissal from the university.

Week 13
4/21 at 2:00PM





Discussion Board: Twice a week: No Less than 600-word each time. Please refer to the topics on the Discussion Board.
Friday 4/22 Posting#1.


Always cite your sources using APA Style. Do not Copy and Paste information and data from other sources without acknowledgment and documentation.  A violation may result in a reduced grade, suspension, or dismissal from the university.

Week 14

4/28 at 2:00PM





Discussion Board: Twice a week: No Less than 600-word each time. Please refer to the topics on the Discussion Board.
Monday 4/29 Posting#1.


Always cite your sources using APA Style. Do not Copy and Paste information and data from other sources without acknowledgment and documentation.  A violation may result in a reduced grade, suspension, or dismissal from the university.


Thank you!





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