to Protein Structure
Molecular Models of Proteins
Biochemists have devised a number of to show the three-dimensional structure of proteins. These representations range from the complex, in which every atom of the structure is shown. to the simple A spacefilled (or CPK) model shows the surface of a molecule. Other much simpler representations such as the alpha carbon trace (which showns only the positions of the alpha carbons in the backbone) or cartoon views (that concentrate on showing secondary structure) are also useful.
Each of the different models can be colored in many ways. The standard coloring (also called cpk) represents each element using a different color. It is also common to show each type of secondary (2o) structure as a different color.
The enzyme triosephosphate isomerase is shown in both of the "windows" below.. Use them to compare various representations of this protein's structure.
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Copyright © 1998, 1999, 2007 by Frank R. Gorga; Page maintained by F.R. Gorga; Last updated: 12-Mar-2007