
29-30 Very complete information: thorough relevant: on target. Major points supported with at least 2-3 relevant details/examples.

25-26 Adequate information: some development of ideas: some ideas lack supporting detail or examples.

21-22 Limited information: ideas present but not developed: lack of supporting details or examples.

17-18 Minimal information: information irrelevant to topic: lacks main ideas.



19-20 Logically and effectively ordered: main points and details connected: not choppy.

16-17 Apparent order to the intended: somewhat choppy: loosely organized but main points stand out: sequencing of ideas not always appropriate.

13-14 Limited order to the content: sequencing of ideas is ineffective or not logical: very choppy.

10-11 Series of separate sentences with no transitions: disconnected ideas; no apparent order to the content.



24-25 Broad: accurate and effective word use and choice: extensive use of words studied.

21-22 Adequate use of vocabulary: some erroneous word usage but meaning not confused or obscured: word choice lacks variety: some use of words studied.

18-19 Erroneous word choice leads to confused or obscured meaning: some literal translations and invented words: limited use of words studied.

15-16 Incorrect use of words: abundance of invented words and literal translations.



19-20 Very few or no errors in the grammar presented in lesson: very few or no errors in subject-verb, article- (adjective)- noun agreement: very few or no errors in adjective-noun word order.


16-17 Occasional errors in the grammar presented in lesson: occasional errors in subject -verb: article-(adjective)-noun agreement: several errors in adjective-noun order.

13-14 Several errors in the grammar presented in lesson: several errors in subject-verb article-(adjective)-noun agreement: several errors in adjective-noun word order.

10-11 Frequent errors in the grammar presented in lesson; persistent errors in subject-verb, article (adjective)-noun agreement: frequent errors in adjective-noun word order.



4 - 5 Very few or no error in spelling. Accentuation and/or punctuation.

3 Occasional errors in spelling. Accentuation and/or punctuation.

2 Several errors in spelling. Accentuation and/or punctuation.

1 Frequent errors in spelling. Accentuation and/or punctuation.