780 nm Tunable Diode Laser

Here is a quick look at the Rb flouresence we just observed (July 2002).  Also check out some pictures of the laser and Doppler-free saturated absorption spectroscopy experiment we are working on.  The primary references from which the laser design were taken from are:

1. "A narrow-band tunable diode laser system with grating feedback, and a saturated absorption spectrometer for Cs and Rb", K.B. MacAdam, A. Steinbach, and C. Wieman, American Journal of Physics 60 (12), 1098-1111, 1992.2. "A simple extended-cavity diode laser", A.S. Arnold, J.S. Wilson, and M.G.Boshier, Review of Scientific Instruments, Vol. 69 (3), 1236-1239, 1998. 

Essentially the 1998 article details the improvements, specifically to the production of the diode-laser unit itself, gained through experience since the breakthrough 1992 article. The electronic current and temperature stabilization units will be the same design as the 1992 article.






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