Department of Biological Sciences
Bridgewater State University
Bridgewater, MA 02325
(508) 531-2087 Voice
(508) 531-1785 Fax
· Ph.D. in Biology, 2004, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX. Dissertation title: Long-term responses of snail populations and communities to disturbance in the Luquillo Experimental Forest, Puerto Rico. Dr. Michael R. Willig, advisor.
· M.S. in Biology, 1997, Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA. Thesis title: Ecological relationships between the marsh rice rat (Oryzomys palustris) and the meadow vole (Microtus pennsylvanicus) in two Virginia tidal marshes. Dr. Robert K. Rose, advisor.
· B.S. in Biology, minor in English, 1994, Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA.
Employment History
· Associate Professor, Department of Biological Sciences, Bridgewater State University,
Bridgewater, MA, September 2011-present.
· Assistant Professor, Department of Biological Sciences, Bridgewater State University,
Bridgewater, MA, September 2010-August 2011.
· Assistant Professor, Department of Biological Sciences, Bridgewater State College,
Bridgewater, MA, September 2006-August 2010.
· Instructor, Department of Biological Sciences, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX, August
2004-August 2006.
· Graduate Part-Time Instructor, Department of Biological Sciences, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX, June 2003-August 2004
· Graduate Research Assistant, Department of Biological Sciences, Texas Tech
University, Lubbock, TX, Summers 1998-1999, January-December 2000, Summer 2001, June 2002-June 2003.
· Science Teaching Fellow, The Honors College, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX,
August 2001-May 2002.
· Graduate Teaching Assistant, Department of Biological Sciences, Texas Tech
University, Lubbock, TX, August 1997-December 1999, January-May 2001.
· Graduate Mentor, Texas Tech University McNair Scholars Program, August 1999-
May 2000.
· Graduate Teaching Assistant, Department of Biological Sciences, Old Dominion
University, Norfolk, VA, August 1995-May 1997.
Teaching Experience
Bridgewater State University
· BIOL 102: Introduction to Zoology (2 sections, 32 students each, Fall 2006; 1 section, 32 students, Spring 2007; 2 sections, 32 and 34 students, Fall 2007; 1 section, 32 students, Fall 2008; 1 section, 32 students, Spring 2009; 1 section, 33 students, Fall 2009; 1 section, 32 students, Fall 2010).
· BIOL 102L: Introduction to Zoology Laboratory (3 sections, 24 students each, Fall 2006; 1 section, 25 students, Fall 2007).
· BIOL 117: Environmental Biology (1 section, 16 students, Fall 2011; 1 section, 16 students, Fall 2012; 1 section, 10 students, Summer 2013; 1 section, 11 students, Fall 2013; 1 section, 15 students, Fall 2014).
· BIOL117L: Environmental Biology Laboratory (1 section, 16 students, Fall 2011; 1 section, 16 students, Fall 2012; 1 section, 10 students, Summer 2013; 1 section, 11 students, Fall 2013; 1 section, 15 students, Fall 2014).
· BIOL 122: General Biology II (1 section, 45 students, Spring 2008; 1 section, 48 students, Spring 2009; 2 sections, 47 students each, Spring 2010; 3 sections, 42 students each, Spring 2011; 3 sections, 32-47 students each, Spring 2012; 3 sections, 35-45 students each, Spring 2013; 2 sections, 28 and 37 students, Spring 2015), in collaboration with Dr. Donald Padgett and Dr. Heather Marella.
· BIOL 122L: General Biology II Laboratory (2 sections, 16 students each, Spring 2008; 1 section, 16 students, Spring 2009; 1 section, 16 students, Spring 2011).
· BIOL 225: General Ecology (1 section, 38 students, Fall 2009; 1 section, 48 students, Fall 2011; 1 section, 48 students, Fall 2012; 2 sections, 42 students each, Fall 2013; 1 section, 42 students, Fall 2014).
· BIOL 225L: General Ecology Laboratory (1 section, 12 students, Fall 2008; 2 sections, 14 students each, Fall 2009; 2 sections, 14 students each, Fall 2011; 1 section, 14 students, Fall 2012; 1 section, 14 students, Fall 2013; 2 sections, 14 students each, Fall 2014).
· BIOL 284: Invertebrate Zoology (1 section, 15 students, Fall 2010).
· BIOL284L: Invertebrate Zoology Laboratory (1 section, 15 students, Fall 2010).
· BIOL 297: Biometry (1 section, 15 students, Spring 2007; 1 section, 15 students, Spring
2008; 1 section, 18 students, Spring 2009; 1 section, 15 students, Spring 2010; 1 section, 16 students, Spring 2011; 1 section, 32 students, Spring 2012; 1 section, 24 students, Spring 2013; 1 section, 11 students, Spring 2014; 1 section, 26 students, Spring 2015).
· BIOL 297L: Biometry Laboratory (1 section, 15 students, Spring 2007; 1 section, 15
students, Spring 2008; 1 section, 18 students, Spring 2009; 1 section, 15 students, Spring 2010; 1 section, 16 students, Spring 2011; 1 section, 32 students, Spring 2012; 1 section, 24 students, Spring 2013; 1 section, 11 students, Spring 2014; 2 sections, 16 and 10 students, Spring 2015).
· BIOL 396: Research Problems in Biology (2 students, Spring 2007; 1 student, Fall 2007; 1 student, Spring 2008; 1 student, Fall 2008; 3 students, Spring 2009; 2 students, Spring 2010; 2 students, Fall 2010; 3 students, Spring 2011; 5 students, Spring 2012; 4 students, Fall 2012; 4 students, Spring 2013; 4 students, Fall 2013; 2 students, Spring 2014; 4 students, Fall 2014; 6 students, Spring 2015).
· BIOL 425: Population Ecology (1 section, 5 students, Fall 2008; 1 section, 8 students, Fall 2012; 1 section, 4 students, Summer 2014).
· BIOL425L: Population Ecology Laboratory (1 section, 5 students, Fall 2008; 1 section, 8 students, Fall 2012; 1 section, 4 students, Summer 2014).
· BIOL 490: Special Topics in Biology (1 section, 10 students, Spring 2010; 1 section, 17 students, Spring 2012).
· BIOL 497: Undergraduate Biological Research (1 section, 4 students, Fall 2007; 1 section, 5 students, Fall 2011).
· BIOL 502: Research (1 student, Summer 2008).
· BIOL 503: Directed Study (1 student, Summer 2007; 1 student, Summer 2014).
· BIOE 511: Advanced Biological Topics (1 section, 4 students, Spring 2010; 1 section, 2 students, Spring 2012).
· BIOE 515: Advances in Ecological/Environmental Biology (1 section, 9 students, Fall 2008).
Texas Tech University
· Ecology and Environmental Problems (1 section, 138 students, Fall 2004; 1 section, 128
students, Spring 2005; 1 section, 120 students, Fall 2005; 1 section, 144 students, Spring
· Biology Seminar (1 section, 20 students, Fall 2004; 1 section, 23 students, Spring 2005; 1
section, 22 students, Spring 2006).
· Honors Integrated Science Laboratory (2 sections averaging 25 students, Fall 2001; 1 section,
25 students, Spring 2002)
· Biology I and II Laboratory (6 sections of Biology I, including 2 Honors sections, and 5
sections of Biology II, 18-24 students each; multiple semesters).
Old Dominion University
· General Biology I and II Laboratory (6 sections of General Biology I and 5 sections of
General Biology II, 20-25 students each; multiple semesters).
Peer-Reviewed Publications
(* indicates undergraduate student; † indicates high school teacher)
Bloch, C.P., K.D. Curry, and J.C. Jahoda. In press. Long-term effects of an invasive shore crab on Cape Cod, Massachusetts. Northeastern Naturalist.
Bloch, C.P., and B.T. Klingbeil. In press. Anthropogenic factors and habitat complexity influence biodiversity but wave exposure drives species turnover of a subtropical rocky intertidal metacommunity. Marine Ecology.
Davis, E.C., Townsend, F.I., and C.P. Bloch. In press. Short and medium-term survival in dogs with surgically treated large intestinal volvulus. Journal of the American Animal Hospital Association.
Brabson, T.L., C.P. Bloch, and J.A. Johnson. 2014. Correlation of gross urine color with diagnostic findings in male cats with naturally occurring urethral obstruction. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery DOI: 10.1177/1098612X14546510.
Willig, M.R., C.P. Bloch, and S.J. Presley. 2014. Experimental decoupling of canopy opening and debris addition on tropical gastropod populations and communities. Forest Ecology and Management 332:103-117.
Bloch, C.P., and M. Stock†. 2014. Avoidance of canopy gaps by a common land snail, Caracolus caracolla (L.), in montane forest in Puerto Rico. Caribbean Naturalist 8:1-13.
Curtis, C.A.*, and C.P. Bloch. 2014. Seasonal patterns of microhabitat selection by a sub-tropical whipspider, Phrynus longipes, in the Luquillo Experimental Forest, Puerto Rico. Journal of Arachnology 42:126-129.
Prather, C.M., S. Pelini, A. Laws, E. Rivest, M. Woltz, C.P. Bloch, I. Del Toro, C. Ho, J. Kominosky, T.A.S. Newbold, S. Parsons, and A. Joern. 2013. Invertebrates, ecosystem services, and climate change. Biological Reviews 88:327-348.
Pugh, C.M., J.T. Sweeney, C.P. Bloch, J.A. Lee, J.A. Johnson, and L.R. Hovda. 2013. Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor (SSRI) toxicosis in cats: 33 cases (2004-2010). Journal of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care 23:565-570.
Willig, M.R., S.J. Presley, C.P. Bloch, and J. Alvarez. 2013. Population, community, and metacommunity dynamics of terrestrial gastropods in the Luquillo Mountains: a gradient perspective. Pp. 117-140 in Ecological Gradient Analyses in a Tropical Ecosystem (Ecological Bulletins Vol. 53; G. González, R.B. Waide, and M.R. Willig, Eds.).
Bloch, C.P., and M.R. Willig. 2012. Density compensation suggests interspecific competition is weak among terrestrial snails in tabonuco forest of Puerto Rico. Caribbean Journal of Science 46:159-168.
Willig, M.R., C.P. Bloch, A.P. Covich, C.A.S. Hall, D.J. Lodge, A.E. Lugo, W.L. Silver, R.B. Waide, L.R. Walker, and J.K. Zimmerman. 2012. Long-term research in the Luquillo Mountains: synthesis and foundations for the future. Pp. 361-441 in A Caribbean Forest Tapestry: the Multidimensional Nature of Disturbance and Response (N.V.L. Brokaw, T.A. Crowl, A.E. Lugo, W.H. McDowell, F.N. Scatena, R.B. Waide, and M.R. Willig, Eds.). Oxford University Press, New York, NY.
Townsend, F.I., S.C. Ralphs, G. Coronado, D.C. Sweet, J. Ward, and C.P. Bloch. 2012. Comparison of a new hydro-surgical technique to traditional methods for the preparation of full-thickness skin grafts from canine cadaveric skin and report of a single clinical case. Veterinary and Comparative Orthopaedics and Traumatology 25:42-48.
Bloch C.P., R.D. Stevens, and M.R. Willig. 2011. Body size and resource competition in New World bats: a test of spatial scaling laws. Ecography 34:460-468.
Willig, M.R., S.J. Presley, C.P. Bloch, I. Castro-Arellano, L.M. Cisneros, C.L. Higgins, and B.T. Klingbeil. 2011. Tropical metacommunities along elevational gradients: effects of forest type and other environmental factors. Oikos 120:1497-1508.
Presley, S.J., M.R. Willig, C.P. Bloch, I. Castro-Arellano, C.L. Higgins, and B.T. Klingbeil. 2011. A complex metacommunity structure for gastropods along an elevational gradient. Biotropica 43:480-488.
Willig, M.R., S.J. Presley, and C.P. Bloch. 2011. Long-term dynamics of tropical walking sticks in response to multiple large-scale and intense disturbances. Oecologia 165:357-368.
Willig, M.R., S.J. Presley, C.P. Bloch, and H.H. Genoways. 2010. Bats of the Caribbean: effects of area, elevation, latitude, and hurricane-induced disturbance. Pp. 216-264 in Island Bats: Evolution, Ecology, and Conservation (T. Fleming and P. Racey, Eds.). University of Chicago Press, Chicago, IL.
Bloch, C.P., and M.R. Willig. 2009. Effects of competition on size and growth rates of Caracolus caracolla (L.) in Puerto Rico. Journal of Molluscan Studies 75: 133-138.
Willig, M.R., C.P. Bloch, N. Brokaw, C. Higgins, J. Thompson, and C. Zimmermann. 2007. Cross-scale responses of biodiversity to hurricane and anthropogenic disturbance in a tropical forest. Ecosystems 10: 834-838.
Willig, M.R., S.J. Presley, C.P. Bloch, S. Yanoviak, C.L. Hice, M.M. Díaz, L. Arias Chauca, V. Pacheco, and S.C. Weaver. 2007. Bats of lowland Amazonian forest: effects of anthropogenic alteration of habitat. Biotropica 39: 737-746.
Bloch, C.P., C.L. Higgins, and M.R. Willig. 2007. Effects of large-scale disturbance on metacommunity structure of terrestrial gastropods: temporal trends in nestedness. Oikos 116: 396-406.
Bloch, C.P., and M.R. Willig. 2006. Context-dependence of long-term responses of terrestrial gastropod populations to large-scale disturbance. Journal of Tropical Ecology 22: 111-122.
Cox, S.B., C.P. Bloch, R.D. Stevens, and L.F. Huenneke. 2006. Productivity and species richness in an arid ecosystem: a long-term perspective. Plant Ecology 186: 1-12.
Willig, M.R., and C.P. Bloch. 2006. Latitudinal gradients in species richness: a test of the Geographic Area Hypothesis for New World bats. Oikos 112: 163-173.
Bloch, C.P., and R.K. Rose. 2005. Population dynamics of Oryzomys palustris and Microtus pennsylvanicus in tidal marshes in Virginia. Northeastern Naturalist 12: 295-306.
Bloch, C.P., and L. Weiss*. 2002. Distribution and abundance of the whipspider Phrynus longipes (Arachnida: Amblypygi) in the Luquillo Experimental Forest, Puerto Rico: response to natural and anthropogenic disturbance. Caribbean Journal of Science 38: 260-262.
Manuscripts in Review
Other Publications
Jahoda, J.C., K.D. Curry, and C.P. Bloch. 2013. A Case Study Approach to Ecology Field Studies, 4th Edition. Kendall/Hunt Publishing, Dubuque, IA.
Bloch, C.P. 2012. Why snails? How gastropods improve our understanding of ecological disturbance. Bridgewater Review 31(2): 8-13.
Jahoda, J.C., K.D. Curry, and C.P. Bloch. 2011. A Case Study Approach to Ecology Field Studies, 3rd Edition. Kendall/Hunt Publishing, Dubuque, IA.
Jahoda, J.C., K.D. Curry, and C.P. Bloch. 2009. A Case Study Approach to Ecology Field Studies, 2nd Edition. Kendall/Hunt Publishing, Dubuque, IA.
Professional Presentations
(Underscore indicates presenter; * indicates undergraduate student)
2014. Boyd, K.M.*, N.J. Hains*, and C.P. Bloch. Influence of habitat and geographic characteristics on earthworm abundance and diversity. Northeast Natural History Conference, Springfield, MA. Poster presentation.
2014. Penella, M.*, and C.P. Bloch. The distribution and severity of Adelges tsugae infestations in southeastern Massachusetts, and the effect of anthropogenic factors. Northeast Natural History Conference, Springfield, MA. Poster presentation.
2014. Shuster, J.*, C.P. Bloch, and M. Penella*. Demographics of basking turtles in forested and agricultural landscapes in southeastern Massachusetts. Northeast Natural History Conference, Springfield, MA. Poster presentation.
2013. Bowne, D.R., A. Doran, C.P. Bloch, et al. (19 authors). Population structure of freshwater turtles across North America: an Ecological Research as Education Network (EREN) collaborative project. Ecological Society of America, Minneapolis, MN. Poster presentation.
2013. Donovan, M.*, J. Shuster*, and C.P. Bloch. Vegetation effects on freshwater turtles in protected forest and agricultural ponds in southeastern Massachusetts. Northeast Natural History Conference, Springfield, MA. Poster presentation.
2013. Hains, N.J.*, and C.P. Bloch. Land management effects on earthworm populations in southeastern Massachusetts. Northeast Natural History Conference, Springfield, MA. Poster presentation.
2013. Shuster, J.*, M. Donovan*, and C.P. Bloch. Demographics of basking turtles in forested and agricultural landscapes in southeastern Massachusetts. Northeast Natural History Conference, Springfield, MA. Poster presentation.
2013. Venancio, .J.*, and C.P. Bloch. A preliminary study of culverts as corridors for crayfish movement. Northeast Natural History Conference, Springfield, MA. Poster presentation.
2012. Hains, N.J.*, and C.P. Bloch. Land management effects on earthworm populations in southeastern Massachusetts. New England Undergraduate Symposium on Sustainability and the Environment, Bridgewater, MA. Poster presentation.
2012. Hains, N.J.*, C.P. Bloch, C.L. Hedderig*, C. Perry*, and J.D. Kaplan*. Metacommunity structure in edge and interior of forest fragments in southeastern Massachusetts. Northeast Natural History Conference, Syracuse, NY. Poster presentation.
2012. Hedderig, C.L.*, and C.P. Bloch. Edge effects on the biodiversity of woody plants in southeastern Massachusetts. Northeast Natural History Conference, Syracuse, NY. Poster presentation.
2012. Kaplan, J.D.*, and C.P. Bloch. Effects of habitat fragmentation on biodiversity of microinvertebrates in southeastern Massachusetts. Northeast Natural History Conference, Syracuse, NY. Poster presentation.
2012. Willig, M.R., S.J. Presley, C.P. Bloch, and J. Alvarez. Population, community, and metacommunity dynamics of terrestrial gastropods in the Luquillo Mountains: a gradient perspective. Long-Term Ecological Research Network, All Scientists Meeting, Estes Park, CO. Poster presentation.
2011. Willig, M.R., C.P. Bloch, and S.J. Presley. Experimental decoupling of the effects of hurricane disturbance on tropical gastropod populations and communities. Ecological Society of America, Austin, TX.
2010. Curtis, C.A.*, and C.P. Bloch. Microhabitat selection of the tropical whipspider Phrynus longipes in the Luquillo Mountains, Puerto Rico. Eastern New England Biological Conference, Bridgewater, MA. Poster presentation.
2009. Bloch, C.P., C.L. Higgins, and M.R. Willig. Long-term trends in spatial partitioning of biodiversity: considerations of disturbance and recovery. Long-Term Ecological Research Network, All Scientists Meeting, Estes Park, CO. Poster presentation.
2009. Klingbeil, B.T., C.P. Bloch, I. Castro-Arellano, L.M. Cisneros, S.J. Presley, and M.R. Willig. Metacommunity structure of gastropods along an elevational gradient in the Luquillo Mountains, Puerto Rico. Luquillo Mountains Long-Term Ecological Research Program, Annual Meeting, Río Piedras, PR. Poster presentation.
2009. Willig, M.R., B.T. Klingbeil, C.P. Bloch, I. Castro-Arellano, L.M. Cisneros, and S.J. Presley. Metacommunity structure of gastropods along an elevational gradient in the Luquillo Mountains. Long-Term Ecological Research Network, All Scientists Meeting, Estes Park, CO. Poster presentation.
2008. Higgins, C.L., C.P. Bloch, and M.R. Willig. Temporal changes and the effects of disturbance on biodiversity of terrestrial gastropods at multiple spatial scales. Ecological Society of America, Milwaukee, WI. Poster presentation.
2007. Curtis, C.A.*, and C.P. Bloch. Effects of the pyrethroid insecticide Anvil 10+10® on larvae of Trichoptera. Sigma Xi Student Research Conference, Orlando, Florida. Poster presentation.
2007. Thomas, J.E.*, and C.P. Bloch. Nematode infection in the Puerto Rican tree snail, Caracolus caracolla: a possible connection to human eosinophil meningitis. Sigma Xi Student Research Conference, Orlando, Florida. Poster presentation.
2006. Bloch, C.P., C.R. Zimmermann, N.V.L. Brokaw, J. Thompson, and M.R. Willig. Heterogeneity, scale, and biotic responses to disturbance in the Luquillo Experimental Forest: case studies from the Luquillo Forest Dynamics Plot. Long-Term Ecological Research Network, All Scientists Meeting, Estes Park, CO. Poster presentation.
2006. Zimmerman, J., A. Shiels, C. Bloch, et al. (23 authors). The Canopy Trimming Experiment. Long-Term Ecological Research Network, All Scientists Meeting, Estes Park, CO. Poster presentation.
2005. Bloch, C.P., M.R. Willig, and R.D. Stevens. Body size, foraging, and community structure of bats and rodents. American Society of Mammalogists, Springfield, MO.
2005. Presley, S.J., M.R. Willig, C.P. Bloch, C.L. Hice, S. Yanoviak, M.M. Díaz, L. Arias, and V. Pacheco. Anthropogenic effects on bat biodiversity in the Amazon. American Society of Mammalogists, Springfield, MO.
2003. Bloch, C.P., and M.R. Willig. A test of the Geographic Area Hypothesis using latitudinal gradients in species richness of New World bats. American Society of Mammalogists, Lubbock, TX.
2002. Bloch, C.P. Spatial scaling laws, species packing, and biodiversity of terrestrial gastropods. Graduate Forum, Texas Tech University Dept. of Biological Sciences.
2001. Bloch, C.P. Long-term effects of large-scale disturbance on population and community dynamics of terrestrial gastropods in the Luquillo Experimental Forest, Puerto Rico. Graduate Forum, Texas Tech University Dept. of Biological Sciences.
1999. Bloch, C.P., M.R. Willig, S.J. Presley, and R.D. Owen. Patterns of body size in Paraguayan bats: a hierarchical approach. American Society of Mammalogists, Seattle, WA.
1998. Bloch, C.P., and R.K. Rose. Patterns of space use by Oryzomys palustris and Microtus pennsylvanicus in a Virginia tidal marsh. American Society of Mammalogists, Blacksburg, VA. Poster presentation.
1998. Bloch, C.P., and R.K. Rose. Population dynamics of Oryzomys palustris and Microtus pennsylvanicus in a Virginia tidal marsh. Southwestern Association of Naturalists, Albuquerque, NM.
1997. Bloch, C.P., and R.K. Rose. Demography of Oryzomys palustris and Microtus pennsylvanicus on the Eastern Shore of Virginia. Virginia Academy of Science, Richmond, VA.
1997. Bloch, C.P., and R.K. Rose. Population dynamics of Oryzomys palustris and Microtus pennsylvanicus in a Virginia tidal marsh. American Society of Mammalogists, Stillwater, OK.
1997. Rose, R.K., and C.P. Bloch. Ecological relationships between Oryzomys palustris and Microtus pennsylvanicus in a Virginia tidal marsh. International Theriological Congress, Acapulco, Mexico. Poster presentation.
Invited Seminars
Population and community ecology of terrestrial gastropods in the Luquillo Experimental Forest. El Verde Field Station, Puerto Rico, 13 March 2013.
A tale of two hurricanes: what terrestrial snails can tell us about ecological disturbance. Babson College, 1 November 2012.
Long-Term Ecological Research in the Luquillo Mountains: perspectives from terrestrial snails. El Verde Field Station, Puerto Rico, 17 March 2010.
Effects of hurricanes on terrestrial gastropods: long-term and experimental approaches. REU Seminar Series, Luquillo Mountains LTER, 1 July 2009.
Terrestrial gastropods in the Luquillo Experimental Forest: long-term and metacommunity perspectives. REU Seminar Series, Luquillo Mountains LTER, 23 July 2008 (with I. Castro-Arellano).
Puerto Rico at a snail’s pace: on disturbance and gastropods in a tropical forest. Department of Biological Sciences, Bridgewater State College, 27 October 2006.
Effects of large-scale disturbance on terrestrial gastropods: a long-term perspective. El Verde Field Station, Puerto Rico, 16 March 2006.
Effects of large-scale disturbance on terrestrial gastropods: a long-term perspective. Department of Biological Sciences, Bridgewater State College, 27 January 2006.
Long-term responses of terrestrial gastropods to disturbance in the Luquillo Experimental Forest. REU Seminar Series, Luquillo Mountains LTER, 26 July 2005.
Twenty-four undergraduate research students mentored:
· Kourtnie Bouley (Fall 2014-present): Habitat associations of invasive Asian shore crabs in southern New England. Funded by ATP semester grant (Fall 2014).
· Krystal Boyd (Fall 2013-Spring 2014): Effects of invasive shrubs on abundance and distribution of earthworms. Funded by ATP semester grant (Spring 2014).
· Danielle Byer (Spring 2010): Metacommunity structure of intertidal invertebrates of Cape Cod, Massachusetts. Funded by ATP semester grant (Spring 2010).
· Katelyn Cadoret (Spring 2010-Spring 2011): Scaling laws and body size of granivorous rodents. Funded by ATP semester grant (Fall 2010).
· Caroline Curtis (Fall 2006-Spring 2008): (1) Effects of a pyrethroid insecticide on populations of freshwater invertebrates in southeastern Massachusetts. Funded by ATP semester grants (Spring 2007) and ATP summer grant (2007). (2) Microhabitat preferences of the whipspider, Phrynus longipes, in Puerto Rico. Funded by ATP semester grant (Fall 2007) and BSU Division of Student Affairs (Summer 2008).
· Danielle Davis (Fall 2008-Spring 2009): Tests of a non-invasive sampling method for terrestrial gastropod diversity. Funded by ATP semester grant (Spring 2009).
· Meghan Donovan (Fall 2012-Spring 2013): Habitat associations of basking turtles in southeastern Massachusetts. Funded by ATP semester grants (Fall 2012, Spring 2013).
· Nathaniel Hains (Fall 2010-present): (1) Metacommunity structure of leaf litter invertebrates in forest fragments in southeastern Massachusetts. Funded by ATP semester grants (Fall 2010, Spring 2011, Fall 2011, Spring 2012). (2) Distribution and community structure of earthworms in southeastern Massachusetts. Funded by ATP semester grant (Fall 2012) and ATP summer grant (2013).
· Nicholas Hathaway (Fall 2014-present): Habitat associations of invasive Asian shore crabs in southern New England. Funded by ATP semester grant (Fall 2014).
· Chelsea Hedderig (Fall 2011-Spring 2012): Edge effects on biodiversity of woody plants in forest fragments in southeastern Massachusetts. Funded by ATP semester grant (Fall 2011, Spring 2012).
· Jeremy Kaplan (Fall 2011-Spring 2012): Spatial partitioning of biodiversity of invertebrates in forest fragments in southeastern Massachusetts. Funded by ATP semester grants (Fall 2011, Spring 2012).
· Joseph Kewley (Fall 2007): Effects of compost fertilizers of differing carbon-nitrogen ratios on shoot growth in wheat. Funded by ATP semester grant.
· Kristin LaMarre (Fall 2007): Effects of temperature and moisture availability on leaf litter decomposition by macroinvertebrates. Funded by ATP semester grant.
· Matthew Penella (Fall 2013-Spring 2014): Demographics of basking turtles. Funded by ATP semester grant.
· Christopher Perry (Spring 2010-Spring 2012): Effects of habitat fragmentation on population abundance and species richness of leaf litter invertebrates. Funded by ATP semester grants (Spring 2010, Fall 2010, Spring 2011, Fall 2011, Spring 2012).
· Samantha Sawyer (Fall 2014-present): Habitat associations of invasive Asian shore crabs in southern New England. Funded by ATP semester grant (Fall 2014).
· Daniel Schepis (Spring 2009): Demographics of the Eastern garter snake, Thamnophis sirtalis, in southeastern Massachusetts. Funded by ATP semester grant.
· Jacquelyn Shuster (Fall 2012-present): Effects of water quality on demographics of basking turtles. Funded by ATP semester grants (Fall 2012, Spring 2013, Fall 2013) and ATP summer grant (2013).
· Jordan Silva (Fall 2014-present): Habitat associations of invasive Asian shore crabs in southern New England. Funded by ATP semester grant (Fall 2014).
· Christopher St. Andre (Spring 2009): Environmental correlates of Anuran population density in southeastern Massachusetts. Funded by ATP semester grant.
· Adam Stewart (Fall 2007): Effects of species and abundance of macroinvertebrates on rates of litter decomposition. Funded by ATP semester grant.
· Jennifer Thomas (Fall 2006-Spring 2008): Nematode parasites of a tropical snail, Caracolus caracolla. Funded by ATP semester grants (Spring 2007, Fall 2007), ATP summer grant (2007), and Beta Beta Beta National Honor Society Research Scholarship.
· Allison Tweedell (Fall 2012): Comparison of two plant species for small-scale cultivation and production of indigo. Funded by ATP semester grant (Fall 2012).
· Jeffrey Venancio (Fall 2011-Spring 2013): (1) Effects of habitat fragmentation on populations of reptiles and amphibians in southeastern Massachusetts. Funded by ATP semester grants (Fall 2011, Spring 2012). (2) Effects of anthropogenic barriers on dispersal of crayfish. Funded by ATP semester grant (Fall 2012, Spring 2013).
Mentor for one undergraduate Honors thesis:
· Jennifer Thomas (2008): Nematode infection in the Puerto Rican tree snail, Caracolus caracolla: a possible connection to human eosinophil meningitis.
Committee member for one undergraduate Honors thesis:
· Vanessa Fernandes (2007): An investigation of the expression of αB-crystallin and its effects on apoptosis in liver epithelial cells.
Three graduate-level directed studies:
· Thomas Hoppensteadt (Summer 2007): Shelled marine mollusks of Cape Cod: a focused beachcombing study.
· Jennifer Thomas (Summer 2008): Molecular analysis of nematodes infecting the Puerto Rican snail, Caracolus caracolla.
· Krystal Boyd (Summer 2014): Effects of an invasive shrub on abundance and diversity of earthworms.
Mentor for two RET (Research Experience for Teachers) participants:
· Cheryl Zielinski (Summer 2009): Modeling of terrestrial gastropod abundance for the Journey to El Yunque project (co-mentored with J.K. Zimmerman).
· Michael Stock (Summer 2010): Behavioral response of the terrestrial snail Caracolus caracolla to canopy gaps in montane rain forest.
Student presentations:
2014. Boyd, K.M., and N.J. Hains. Influence of habitat and geographic characteristics on earthworm abundance and diversity. Adrian Tinsley Program Undergraduate Research Symposium, Bridgewater State University. Poster presentation.
2014. Penella, M. The distribution and severity of Adelges tsugae infestations in southeastern Massachusetts, and the effect of anthropogenic factors. Adrian Tinsley Program Undergraduate Research Symposium, Bridgewater State University. Poster presentation.
2014. Shuster, J., and M. Penella. Demographics of basking turtles in forested and agricultural landscapes in southeastern Massachusetts. Adrian Tinsley Program Undergraduate Research Symposium, Bridgewater State University. Poster presentation.
2013. Donovan, M., and J. Shuster. Vegetation effects on freshwater turtles in protected forest and agricultural ponds in southeastern Massachusetts. Adrian Tinsley Program Undergraduate Research Symposium, Bridgewater State University. Poster presentation.
2013. Hains, N.J. Land management effects on earthworm populations in southeastern Massachusetts. Adrian Tinsley Program Undergraduate Research Symposium, Bridgewater State University. Poster presentation.
2013. Shuster, J., and M. Donovan. Demographics of basking turtles in forested and agricultural landscapes in southeastern Massachusetts. Adrian Tinsley Program Undergraduate Research Symposium, Bridgewater State University. Poster presentation.
2013. Venancio, J. A preliminary study of culverts as corridors for crayfish movement. Adrian Tinsley Program Undergraduate Research Symposium, Bridgewater State University. Poster presentation.
2012. Hains, N.J. Metacommunity structure in edge and interior of forest fragments in southeastern Massachusetts. Adrian Tinsley Program Undergraduate Research Symposium, Bridgewater State University. Poster presentation.
2012. Hedderig, C.L. Effects of habitat fragmentation on woody plants in southeastern Massachusetts. Adrian Tinsley Program Undergraduate Research Symposium, Bridgewater State University. Poster presentation.
2012. Kaplan, J.M. Effects of habitat fragmentation on biodiversity of invertebrates in southeastern Massachusetts. Adrian Tinsley Program Undergraduate Research Symposium, Bridgewater State University. Poster presentation.
2012. Kaplan, J.M. Effects of habitat fragmentation on biodiversity of invertebrates in southeastern Massachusetts. National Conference on Undergraduate Research, Ogden, UT. Poster presentation.
2012. Perry, C.L. Effects of habitat fragmentation on macroinvertebrate biodiversity in southeastern Massachusetts. Adrian Tinsley Program Undergraduate Research Symposium, Bridgewater State University. Poster presentation.
2012. Tweedell, A. From seed to silk: a field test of homegrown indigo dye. Adrian Tinsley Program Mid-year Symposium, Bridgewater State University.
2012. Venancio, J.M. Edge effects and the change in red-backed salamander demographics in southeastern Massachusetts. Adrian Tinsley Program Undergraduate Research Symposium, Bridgewater State University. Poster presentation.
2011. Cadoret, K. Testing spatial scaling laws using granivorous desert rodents. Adrian Tinsley Program Undergraduate Research Symposium, Bridgewater State University. Poster presentation.
2011. Hains, N.J. Metacommunity structure of leaf litter macroinvertebrates in fragmented environments in Sandwich, Massachusetts. Adrian Tinsley Program Undergraduate Research Symposium, Bridgewater State University. Poster presentation.
2011. Perry, C.L. Effects of habitat fragmentation on terrestrial macroinvertebrates. Adrian Tinsley Program Undergraduate Research Symposium, Bridgewater State University. Poster presentation.
2010. Byer, D.N. Metacommunity structure of intertidal invertebrates on Cape Cod, MA. Adrian Tinsley Program Undergraduate Research Symposium, Bridgewater State College. Poster presentation.
2010. Perry, C.L. Effects of habitat fragmentation on terrestrial gastropods in southeastern Massachusetts. Adrian Tinsley Program Undergraduate Research Symposium, Bridgewater State College. Poster presentation.
2009. Davis, D. The effects of habitat fragmentation on species richness and abundance of terrestrial invertebrates in Bridgewater, MA. Adrian Tinsley Program Undergraduate Research Symposium, Bridgewater State College. Poster presentation.
2009. Schepis, D.J. The dietary composition of snake species inhabiting a wetland in southeastern Massachusetts: the consequences of dietary overlap on demographics of snake species. Adrian Tinsley Program Undergraduate Research Symposium, Bridgewater State College. Poster presentation.
2009. St. Andre, C.J. Differences in chorus calling intensity of Rana pipiens, R. catesbiana, Pseudacris crucifer in Plymouth County. Adrian Tinsley Program Undergraduate Research Symposium, Bridgewater State College. Poster presentation.
2008. Curtis, C.A. Microhabitat selection and tree preference of the tropical whipspider Phrynus longipes in the Luquillo Experimental Forest, Puerto Rico. Adrian Tinsley Program Undergraduate Research Symposium, Bridgewater State College. Poster presentation.
2008. Kewley, J.L., Jr. The effects of compost fertilizer with different carbon-nitrogen ratios versus chemical fertilizer on the shoot system of wheat. Adrian Tinsley Program Undergraduate Research Symposium, Bridgewater State College. Poster presentation.
2008. Stewart, A.J. The effects of detritivores and decomposition on soil nutrients and pH. Adrian Tinsley Program Undergraduate Research Symposium, Bridgewater State College. Poster presentation.
2008. Thomas, J.E. Nematode infection in the Puerto Rican tree snail, Caracolus caracolla: a possible connection to human eosinophil meningitis. Adrian Tinsley Program Undergraduate Research Symposium, Bridgewater State College. Poster presentation.
2007. Curtis, C.A. Effects of locally applied pyrethroid insecticides on freshwater macroinvertebrates. Adrian Tinsley Program Summer Research Symposium, Bridgewater State College. Poster presentation.
2007. Thomas, J.E. Nematode infection in the Puerto Rican tree snail, Caracolus caracolla: a possible connection to human eosinophil meningitis. Adrian Tinsley Program Summer Research Symposium, Bridgewater State College. Poster presentation.
2007. Curtis, C.A. Effects of locally applied pesticide constituents on freshwater crustaceans in Eastern Massachusetts watersheds. Adrian Tinsley Program Undergraduate Research Symposium, Bridgewater State College. Poster presentation.
2007. Thomas, J.E. Non-invasive method for detection of nematodes in terrestrial snails in the Luquillo Experimental Forest, Puerto Rico. Adrian Tinsley Program Undergraduate Research Symposium, Bridgewater State College. Poster presentation.
Grants and Awards
2014. “Evaluation of predator control as a means to increase fledge rates of protected shorebirds.” Research grant from Duxbury Beach Reservation, Inc., $8279.
2014. Bridgewater State University, Center for the Advancement of Research and Scholarship,
Summer Grant. “Demographics and habitat associations of the Asian shore crab in southern New England,” $3100.
2014. Award for Academic Excellence, Bridgewater State University.
2013. Bridgewater State University, Center for the Advancement of Research and Scholarship,
Travel Grant, $750.
2012. STREAMS Course Development Grant. “Incorporating research into the BIOL122
laboratory” (with D.J. Padgett), $4000.
2012. Award for Academic Excellence, Bridgewater State University.
2012. Bridgewater State University, Center for the Advancement of Research and Teaching,
Summer Grant. “Effects of forest fragmentation on invertebrate diversity in southeastern Massachusetts,” $3100.
2011. Award for Academic Excellence, Bridgewater State University.
2011. Bridgewater State University, Center for the Advancement of Research and Teaching,
Faculty & Librarian Research Grant. “Molecular analysis of the intestinal microbial community in an herbivorous snail, Caracolus caracolla” (with J.E. Mendell), $16,000.
2010. Award for Academic Excellence, Bridgewater State College.
2010. Bridgewater State College, Center for the Advancement of Research and Teaching,
Travel Grant, $680.
2009. Bridgewater State College, Center for the Advancement of Research and Teaching,
Faculty & Librarian Research Grant. “Biogeography and metacommunity structure of intertidal invertebrates in Puerto Rico,” $8000.
2008. Award for Academic Excellence, Bridgewater State College.
2007. Bridgewater State College, Center for the Advancement of Research and Teaching,
Summer Grant. “Biodiversity of gastropod assemblages in the Bridgewater area,” $3100.
2007. Bridgewater State College, Center for the Advancement of Research and Teaching,
Travel Grant, $640.
2001. Conchologists of America Grants to Malacology. “Evaluation of Caracolus
caracolla as a potential ecosystem engineer in the tabonuco forest of Puerto Rico” (with E.A. Sobek), $1350.
2001. Texas Tech University Teaching, Learning, and Technology Center, Teaching
Effectiveness and Career Enhancement Fellowship, $1000.
2001. Texas Tech University Department of Biological Sciences, Summer Research
Grant, $500.
2001. Texas Tech University Association of Biologists, Summer Research Grant, $300.
2000. Texas Tech University Department of Biological Sciences, Summer Research
Grant, $500.
1999. Texas Tech University Department of Biological Sciences, Summer Research
Grant, $1000.
1999. Texas Tech University Association of Biologists, Summer Research Grant, $300.
1998. Texas Tech University Department of Biological Sciences, Mini-Grant, $500.
Institutional Service
Bridgewater State University
· Member, Center for the Advancement of Research and Scholarship Advisory Board, 2014-present.
§ Member, May Celebration Program Subcommittee, 2014-present.
· Member, Writing Across the Curriculum Network, 2012-present.
· Member, Undergraduate Research Advisory Board, 2009-2012, 2014-present.
§ Member, Faculty Development Subcommittee, 2009-2012, 2014-present.
· Departmental Honors Chair, 2010-present.
· Chair, Ad hoc Committee on Graphics and Displays in Conant Science Building, 2011-2012.
· Participant, Assessment of Student Quantitative Reasoning, Fall 2011.
· Member, Academic Policies Committee, 2007-2008.
· Member, Internal Advisory Board for NSF-funded student retention program in the STEM disciplines, Spring 2010-present.
Department of Biological Sciences, Bridgewater State University
· Chair, Wildlife Ecologist Search Committee, 2014.
· Member, Departmental Assessment Committee, 2014-present.
· Academic advisor for 16 students, Fall 2006-Spring 2007; 18 students, Fall 2007; 20 students, Spring 2008; 19 students, Fall 2008; 19 students, Spring 2009; 23 students, Fall 2009; 38 students, Spring 2010; 25 students, Fall 2010; 28 students, Spring 2011; 27 students, Fall 2011; 33 students, Spring 2012; 31 students, Fall 2012; 35 students, Spring 2013; 30 students, Fall 2013; 34 students, Fall 2014.
· Chair, Peer Evaluation Committee, Fall 2013.
· Chair, Peer Evaluation Committee, Fall 2012.
· Member, Peer Evaluation Committee, Fall 2011, Fall 2014.
· Departmental Recording Secretary, 2010-2012.
· Member, Departmental Program Review Committee, Fall 2010.
· Chair, Microbiologist Search Committee, 2009-2010.
· Departmental Information Provider, 2008-2013.
· Member, host committee for 2010 Eastern New England Biology Conference.
· Member, Lab Instructor/Preparator Search Committee, Spring-Summer 2008.
· Member, Toxicologist Search Committee, 2007-2008.
· Member, Biology Graduate Education Committee, 2006-present.
· Co-advisor of student organizations
§ Biology Club, Spring 2007-Spring 2010.
§ Beta Beta Beta (Biological Honor Society), Spring 2007-Spring 2010.
· Advisor for incoming students at BSC Transfer Transitions, 28-29 August 2007 and 14
January 2009.
· Departmental representative at Admissions open house, 21 October 2006.
Department of Biological Sciences, Texas Tech University
· Member, Undergraduate Curriculum Committee, 2004-2006.
· Member, Graduate Student Selection Committee, 2004-2005.
· Member, Undergraduate Environmental Science Committee, 2004-2006.
· Evaluator of student presentations, Graduate Forum 2005, 2006.
Service to the Scientific Community
Associate Editor for:
· Caribbean Naturalist
Manuscript reviewer for:
· American Midland Naturalist
· The American Naturalist
· Aquatic Ecology
· Biotropica
· Caribbean Naturalist
· Conservation Biology
· Ecography
· Ecological Bulletin
· Environmental Modelling and Software
· European Journal of Wildlife Research
· Journal of Animal Ecology
· Journal of Applied Ecology
· Journal of Biogeography
· Journal of Tropical Ecology
· North-western Journal of Zoology
· Oecologia
· Oikos
· Revista de Biología Tropical
· Southeastern Naturalist (guest editor)
· The Undergraduate Review (Bridgewater State University)
· Wildlife Research
Grant proposal reviewer for:
· National Science Foundation
Textbook reviewer for:
· Pearson Higher Education
· John Wiley & Sons, Life Sciences division
· McGraw-Hill Higher Education, environmental science development group
· Oxford University Press
American Society of Mammalogists
· Member, Education and Graduate Students Committee, 2000-2012.
· Coordinator, “Meal with a Mammalogist” program, annual meetings in 2005-2011.
Professional Affiliations
· American Society of Mammalogists
· Ecological Research as Education Network
· Ecological Society of America
· International Biogeography Society
· Luquillo Mountains Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER) Program